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Ok so for the past few days i've been researching about how to put CAPS in my vsays. So far I have understanded some of it. So for in wordpad for example I will show you what I have done.


set flow1 "vsay ftattack ^pT^7hIs ^pI^7s ^pS^7pArTa^p!^7!"

bind f1 vstr flow1


So then i go to my "etmain" folder -double click- then save it there as flow1.cfg

when I get to my console i do /exec flow1.cfg =and it says=

execing flow1.cfg

unknown cmd -{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0-

it doesn't work

any suggestions :thanks


I tried the exact same thing, using wordpad and it gave me the same error. For making .cfgs you should use notepad, or even better download notepad++. Try opening that flow1.cfg with notepad and you will see what causes the error.

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Use 2.60b, when saving files make sure that you are not saving it as a .rtf change it to txt and then change the extension to cfg. That error message tells me you are saving the file as .rtf hence ET can recognize the format and cant execute it.


i started to do some more and this happened:

"flow2" is:"vsay hi ^p[n] ^pS^7AyS ^ph^7eLlO" default "vsay hi ^p[n] ^ps^7AyS ^ph^7eLlO"

in notepad i say

set flow2 "vsay Hi ^p[n] ^pS^7aYs ^pH^7eLlO"

bind f2 "vstr flow2"


i started to do some more and this happened:

"flow2" is:"vsay hi ^p[n] ^pS^7AyS ^ph^7eLlO" default "vsay hi ^p[n] ^ps^7AyS ^ph^7eLlO"

in notepad i say

set flow2 "vsay Hi ^p[n] ^pS^7aYs ^pH^7eLlO"

bind f2 "vstr flow2"


I'm not sure what happened, but try removing "" marks in the second line:

bind f2 vstr flow2

instead of

bind f2 "vstr flow2"


First line seems ok though.

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