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Planetside 2


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Some might know that I spent a shitload of time with this game, but haven't seen a topic (except the ones of the beta ) about it yet.


So planetside 2 can't really be compared with many other shooters out there. Considering you are playing on servers with up to 6000 players (2000 players on each of the three continents). It's a never ending fight between the 3 factions.


Screw it, been trying to explain the game in a reasonable way the past 15 min, just going to point out my personal experiences with it in bulletpoints, because we all know bulletpoints rule :P


- F2P with a sniff of P2W:


let me explain that. The game doesn't offer obvious things that can be declared as pay 2 win. The only things available for real money are : xp boost, resource boost , weapons and cosmetic stuff.


The part that can be considered as pay 2 win are the weapons (I don't really consider it p2w, but I can see why people would).

Weapons can be unlocked on 2 different ways: certs (earned during playtime) or station cash (real money).


The problem is that the 'grind' for certs is kind of long. Most weapons cost 1000 certs. Which is somewhere between 20h and 70h game time without using boost (I'm averaging around 50certs/h). Some people consider this too long, I disagree with them. The fact is this game is designed to last for years, unlocking every couple a hours a gun wouldn't work + most standard weapons are decent enough.


Weapons unlocked with real money (sc) carry over between characters (of the same faction) on different servers. So you only have to buy them once.

Which is good considering they are rather expensive (700 sc => 7dollar) => station cash goes a lot in promotion though (2x or 3x amount of station cash often happens) .


please note: certs are also used to upgrade your character, vehicle, weapons. So grinding for weapons might cause you to get behind on character upgrades. 1 cert = 250xp. 250xp = 2.5 kills. One big base cap: 1000xp. You also gain some (not a ridiculous amount) certs offline while not playing.


Their also is a subscription based model, but that only gives you xp boosts, queue jumping and some free sc. So in my opinion not really worth the money


- Team based:


Really the game is designed to be played in group. Although it's not impossible to lone wolf.

Joining an outfit (clan/guild/whatever you like to call it) is almost mandatory to experience the game how it's meant to be played.


- Awesome devs:


This is complete subjective, but I really like how the devs communicate with the community and are willing to change stuff around (for example: passive cert gain was planned to be 'premium' only, but devs changed their mind after listening to the community). I also have been playing with one of the devs a couple of days ago, so I might be biased ^^


- You need a insane pc to run this game decently:


The game isn't what you call optimised yet. I'm getting around 40-50fps on peaceful places and around 20 fps during large battles (max setting, dual 660ti => cpu is holding my graphic back atm :P) . This annoys pretty much everybody and is being worked on: main focus of the devs atm. So I expect improvements in the future :)


That pretty much rounds up what I think of the game. More info about the game and his three factions here: http://www.planetside2.com/overview

Only thing you should know, is that TR is the master race, NC is scum and VS well... They are purple, you can't take them serious :P



Other good review about the game (only the weapon part I partial disagree with):





Get the game here: http://www.planetside2.com

Edited by DrJoske
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Game was looking great... until the certs and station cash part.


Even if the game was meant to be played for a long time, it shouldn't take THAT long to get another gun. Also the cosmetics? /facepalm So damn expensive for digital content. Where are those game developers that give a shit about their consumers? Those that aren't out to milk people for everything they have? >.< $5 for a camo skin is such a rip.


I can honestly say- been there, done that. There's been a few games based on this style of money making, and it's been a downfall for me. :/


I may look into trying it once, only for the simple fact of how large the battles are. That seems nifty.


I also do not know how much I'll enjoy the idea of night capping in a FvFvF battle. Guildwars 2 already does a 3x server battle and it makes for severely uneven battles, especially if one server/faction's night crew is heavier than the others.


I'll try and download it tomorrow, and give it a shot. Thanks for all the info Joske. :) <3

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I've had the chance to download it and see how it runs even though i didn't have much time for gaming lately. I managed to make it run pretty smooth, but i had to reduce the quality considerably. I don't really care much about this as long as i can play it. It seems to be an awesome game and i can't wait to spend my nights playing it :D

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I'm on Waterson server playing as the NC with the DVS outfit. One of our leaders is Delrith, a "pro" gamer who won something like $10,000 on the first contest for the game. I'm waiting to spend money in the cash shop around Christmas. Rumour has it that there will be a triple points sale

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I'm on Waterson server playing as the NC with the DVS outfit. One of our leaders is Delrith, a "pro" gamer who won something like $10,000 on the first contest for the game. I'm waiting to spend money in the cash shop around Christmas. Rumour has it that there will be a triple points sale


Ow, isn't he the one that went on a 30 streak during that contest?


+ Pffttt NC scum :camper



And yeah, I'm also waiting on a 3x station cash. They say it will be on 21 december.

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Okay, it has finished installing, and it seems I need another videocard and a RAM upgrade. But I won't!



Lol, why are you still at 512mb ram

I fill 8 gb XD (the reason I got 16, well the fact it's cheap as hell got something to do with it too XD)

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Lol, why are you still at 512mb ram

I fill 8 gb XD (the reason I got 16, well the fact it's cheap as hell got something to do with it too XD)


Well for 2 reasons actually:

First: I don't like to spend a lot of money on upgrading my computer, 'cause its more than only RAM I need to upgrade...

Second: I'm too lazy! XD

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Well for 2 reasons actually:

First: I don't like to spend a lot of money on upgrading my computer, 'cause its more than only RAM I need to upgrade...

Second: I'm too lazy! XD


4gig ram is like 20ish dollar XD

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Yeah I know, but I also need a new videocard, what is at least another 150 dollars...


For 150 dollar you don't have a decent videocard :o

Mine (dual 660ti) are 600 total XD

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For 150 dollar you don't have a decent videocard :o

Mine (dual 660ti) are 600 total XD


Yeah i know, I don't even have that large sum of money :P But I looked it up, and the 150 one is a minimum requirement so.... But as long as this runs COD, I'm happy! And soon I'll get my brothers PC, so fingers crossed :D

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