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Emergency Quebec Law


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I never tough something like that could pass . That law is a shame! Violence!? Most of it came from the police to the students and then some of the students got mad and attacked the police. They take the 0,1% of the students who acted like criminals , show them on them as they represented the whole and get all the population mad at the Demonstrators! That law will literally force students to not protest anymore . Shame on our gouvernment that couldn't even control that crysis( and that at first didn't care of it at all and even publicly made jokes about it). IMO it is normal that school gets more costy but they did not even listen to the students of try to negationate with them. They treated them like kids and noe since it got out of control they use force. What your guys think? ( sorry for grammar written from iphone so)


This is not the best article about and we can easily who's side the writter is on but this is the only one I could find in english.








Quebec's legislature has gathered for a late-night debate on emergency education legislation Thursday night, as student protests were held in five of the province's biggest cities.


The special law, known as Bill 78, was crafted by the Liberal government to defuse the turbulent student tuition crisis.


The proposed law lays out strict regulations governing student protests and contains provisions for stiff fines.


Fines range from $7,000 to $35,000 for a student leader and between $25,000 and $125,000 for unions or student federations if someone is prevented from entering an educational institution.


Bill 78 also lays out strict regulations governing student protests. Any group of 10 persons or more to give at least eight hours notice to police for any demonstration. They must include the time, place and itinerary. Police may change any of the above.


The overnight debate at Quebec's legislature is expected to lead to a vote on the legislation on Friday.


Student leaders call for new talks

Student groups held a news conference ahead of Thursday night's debate to slam the special law. They called for new negotiations, while urging return to "social peace."


The new law, announced late Wednesday night by the Liberal government, will suspend the winter semester while enforcing "access" to campuses.


Premier Jean Charest described the emergency legislation as a way to provide a cooling-off period for both sides in the tuition hike battle in Quebec.


'We are more ready than ever to compromise.'

—CEGEP college student leader Léo Bureau-Blouin

But the province's most prominent student leaders blasted the legal solution, accusing Charest of playing partisan politics.


"Let him come sit with us, and negotiate a solution to this crisis," said Martine Desjardins, spokeswoman for university student association FEUQ. "Let him come show us that he is a head of state, not just a party leader."


CEGEP college student leader Léo Bureau-Blouin also pleaded for a "negotiated" solution to the tuition crisis, while calling for restraint from students across the province.


"Emotion and the desire for vengeance among some can't override reason," he said in French at the Thursday afternoon news conference. "We are this close to arriving at a solution to this crisis."


Bureau-Blouin called on the Liberal government for an "ultimate negotiated deal" on tuition hikes to "pacify this conflict," that he estimates could take "hours of negotiations," not "days and weeks."


The FECQ spokesman also addressed concerns about social peace, saying he's "concerned" about the impact student actions have had on public order.


"I'm concerned that the strike has a huge impact on thousands of students across the province, and it's not a matter of being in favour or against the strike, it's a question of saving some part of students' lives.


"We are more ready than ever to compromise."


The tuition movement's nightly Montreal protest turned ugly late Wednesday night, ending with the arrest of 122 people.


The government made another appeal for calm Thursday morning in the wake of the tumultuous protest.


Students marched in Montreal again Thursday night, the 24th consecutive daily protest against tuition hikes.


The Liberal government says it has exhausted all other options in the 14-week student strike, which has garnered international attention.


Quebec's tuition plan

Under the latest version of its tuition plan, the Charest government would increase fees by $254 per year over seven years and then peg future increases to the level of inflation.


That would mean tuition increases of more than 75 per cent for Quebec students, who pay the lowest rates in Canada.


The change would still mean some of the country's lowest rates.


Charest's legislation would temporarily halt the spring semester for the minority of faculties paralyzed by the walkouts; push up the summer holidays; and reconvene students in August so they can complete their session before starting the fall one in October.


Education Minister Michelle Courchesne, who was sworn in late Monday to the role, reiterated those details on her way into caucus Thursday morning, but had little comment on the events of the night before.


She said that students have the right to protest and to free expression in Quebec.


"But that protest must be done peacefully, without violence," she said, before walking away from the cameras.


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It is always terrible when student fees are raise. A similar thing happened not long ago in Great Britain, England. Violent student riots were the consequence here as well. The problem is the following:


Education is our most important asset. Not only in Europe, but also in the US and Canada. We have to deal with an increasing competition with contries from the Asian realm. Enterprises outsource the production procedures to China, etc. and what is left for the so called "civilized world"? It is education. That's all we have. We have to excel in educational areas in order to survive. Politicians usually tend to not think ahead generations. Always concerned for votes and their own profit, they cut expenses and raise fees whereever they can. Those who suffer from this are students and the future generations. Education, which should be a common good, becomes a rare priviledge to a few selected families, which can afford it.

As a consequence, unless you're willing to work your ass off and start your business life with a huge debt to repay, you won't get access to education.

The most frustrating thing about this is that we know of the consequences and what will happen and that noone is listenening to us. They just don't care and this shows how our society is degenerating.... It is very sad.


Edit: The students violent reactions are just a necessary evil. What can they do?? Their possibilities are limited but they want to be heard. Sadly, violence sometimes is the only way for people to open a country's eyes.

Edited by Spaceballs
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