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I've got question about sounds on jay2, i really don't know how many players have these sound turned on, and here is my question, Can we make any voting, whether these sounds are cool or not, and see results ??

The reason of my question is because personally i have them turned off, I've noticed on server that sometimes players say:"everyone press v689 or v777"(i just typed these numbers, don't know what these commands say) and then i hear Mega Spam, but if I want to say v54 and then immediately v22 I cannot, because it's also spam. So isn't a bit pointless? My suggestion is, limit of voicechat commands for 1 player change to 2-3, and reduction these non standard voice chat commands also getting rid of not used.


My another question, is it really necessary to have 64 slot server? Cause for me playing with more than 50 players start to be really spiky and almost impossible.


And my suggestion, Is it possible to put Server Rulez into a server, I mean, when u press Esc it would be awesome to find window with server rulez. Why? I've noticed recently that if someone rushes a map or do not know server rulez, admins say visit forums, there are some pros and cons of it: one plus is that player visits forums, but minus is that if it is a new player to server, he just doesn't want to live, he connected to have fun and play, so in my opinion it would be better to say to this player" press Esc and get know the rulez!" instead of kicking him for rushing for example.


Map suggestion, i know that there is a map section if anyone wants to see new maps on server, but i got some kind of another suggestion. Imagine server has 50 players, or 40 players, everytime map ends some people leave and some people come, I've noticed more leaving on some maps, My small piece of advice is to sit over whole campaign in spec and check whether people leaving when map ends or when new map starts, cause i know it's democracy of map rotation, but u should check after what map people ESPECIALLY leave. What about a vote map system?

That's it.

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