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Win 7 problem


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Hello everyone. I've got a problem with updates on Windows 7. I wanted to install a new update by Windows Updater, when i saw the error:


Error code 800B010B couldn't install the update.


Was searching on forums but couldn't find an answer. Maybe u know what i have to do ? ;/

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Which application were you installing?



Anyway, if it is .Net Framework 4, try this: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_update/error-code-800b010b-while-installing-kb2446708/74be6d85-0869-e011-8dfc-68b599b31bf5. Otherwise, let us know what the application is :P

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Erhm, you installed this, rebooted and tried again? As far as I see it, that would be the solution. No mention of "code" in that.



A virus shouldn't be the problem btw.

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It's asking me for check my windows, and then it doesn't download anything..


I've got also a problem with Windows Defender. There is written that i must turn it on quickly, so i do it. But then there is an error to restart the computer. I restart but it doesnt work..

Edited by Krzys
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Updates aren't related to Windows Defender afaik.



Anyway, I found out that the previous link was about Windows Vista (but posted, for some weird reason, in Windows 7 section). Try this, perhaps this works better.

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Well.. i was trying with that, nothing helped so i gave up. BUT i've joined the game, wanted to play a bit and: Kicked by PnkBuster: PnkbstrB.exe initialization failure. Yes, i know to solve this problem i must use pbsvc. But it doesnt work :)


Checking Administrator privileges OK

Opening Service Control Manager OK

Searching for PnkBstrA None Found - OK

Extracting PnkBstrA service OK

Verifying service authenticity ERROR


Then there is an information : failed to copy the file C:/Windows/system32/pbsvc to C:Windows/system32/pbsvc. It's already used.


Help me please, dont know that to do

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Well, that must be a bug in Punkbuster. Reboot it the first I would recommend (but I think you've done that already), check if punkbuster is started the second (I'm not sure how punkbuster is started, but you may have disabled it in msconfig), full uninstall and reinstall of punkbuster is the third.



I must say, your problems become weirder by the minute; I have no idea how these errors come up.

Edited by Rolf
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Okay, i repaired all! Was searching for a help for 2 days. Well, 1st i was trying to solve this update riddle. But i gave up, thought that's nothing important, well was trying to repair my ET problem. Was googling alot, asking friends etc, but nothing worked. Well, then i thought: "all started by this stupid update, must try with that". And found one, really easy solution. Well, found a page that had a lot of steps to repair the windows, BUT there was also a programme which automatically did it. Downloaded it, rebooted and suddenly i saw that i can search new updates again! But this one important update still didnt want to install. Well tried with searching in .NET framework 4 problems and found one RLY easy solution. "Join control panel and install the net framework4". It worked! But what with my ET? All started working. Thanks Rolf for ur activity in this topic :thanks

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