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Members Of Congress Introduce Federal Measure To Legalize The Adult Use Of Marijuana

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House lawmakers introduced legislation in Congress today to end the federal criminalization of the personal use of marijuana.


The bipartisan measure, HR 2306 – entitled the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011’ and sponsored by Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank and Texas Republican Ron Paul along with Reps. Cohen (D-TN), Conyers (D-MI), Polis (D-CO), and Lee (D-CA) – prohibits the federal government from prosecuting adults who use or possess marijuana by removing the plant and its primary psychoactive constituent, THC, from the five schedules of the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Under present law, all varieties of the marijuana plant are defined as illicit Schedule I controlled substances, defined as possessing ‘a high potential for abuse,’ and ‘no currently accepted medical use in treatment.’


Said Rep. Frank, “Criminally prosecuting adults for making the choice to smoke marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources and an intrusion on personal freedom. I do not advocate urging people to smoke marijuana, neither do I urge them to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco, but in none of these cases do I think prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions is good public policy.”


The ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act’ seeks to federally deregulate the personal possession and use of marijuana by adults. It marks the first time that members of Congress have introduced legislation to eliminate the federal criminalization of marijuana since the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.


Language in this Act mimics changes enacted by Congress to repeal the federal prohibition of alcohol. Passage of this measure would remove the existing conflict between federal law and the laws of those sixteen states that allow for the limited use of marijuana under a physicians’ supervision. It would also allow state governments that wish to fully legalize and regulate the responsible use, possession, production, and intrastate distribution of marijuana for all adults to be free to do so without federal interference. (To date, lawmakers in six states have introduced legislation to legalize and regulate the adult use of cannabis, and separate statewide initiative measures are planned for 2012 in several additional states.)


Speaking in support of the measure, NORML Executive Director Allen St. Pierre said, “The federal criminalization of marijuana has failed to reduce the public’s demand or access to cannabis, and it has imposed enormous fiscal and human costs upon the American people. It is time to end this failed public policy and to provide state governments with the freedom to enact alternative strategies — such as medicalization, decriminalization, and/or legalization — without running afoul of the federal law or the whims of the Department of Justice.”


If your American contact your representatives and tell them to vote for or against this bill.


Or could move to the Netherlands :P

no The Netherlands is attempting to pass a policy tht would bar People who are not legal citizens from going to your "coffee shops" it should pass. moving would be pointless also the Netherlands You coffee shops aren't legal only reason they are allowed is due to the police looking the other way. The whole Netherlands being the mecca of cannabis is a joke within itself. you can still get in trouble for smoking in unauthorized areas.


Or come down here to Vancouver canada :)

Yeah canada is a joke aswell your goverment is as stupid when it comes to cannabis as the usa


no The Netherlands is attempting to pass a policy tht would bar People who are not legal citizens from going to your "coffee shops" it should pass. moving would be pointless also the Netherlands You coffee shops aren't legal only reason they are allowed is due to the police looking the other way. The whole Netherlands being the mecca of cannabis is a joke within itself. you can still get in trouble for smoking in unauthorized areas.



We just want to keep all to ourselves. :P





no The Netherlands is attempting to pass a policy tht would bar People who are not legal citizens from going to your "coffee shops" it should pass. moving would be pointless also the Netherlands You coffee shops aren't legal only reason they are allowed is due to the police looking the other way. The whole Netherlands being the mecca of cannabis is a joke within itself. you can still get in trouble for smoking in unauthorized areas.



Yeah canada is a joke aswell your goverment is as stupid when it comes to cannabis as the usa


Yes a joke? You can get a medical license that allows you to even carry weed onto PLANES...you can legally grow, smoke on the sidewalks...etc.


There are COFFEE Shops wre you can take your OWN weed and smoke with peace with other people, they have vapoirzer cafes, they have stores taht sell weed seeds, not to mention the 100's of dispensaries, and weed delivery services and the BEST part...ANYONE can go to these..with or without a licesnse.....sounds like a joke to me

The only problem the cops have are the people taht deal weed. If your just a regular smoker they could care less..Im speaking from experience

Im happy


Yes a joke? You can get a medical license that allows you to even carry weed onto PLANES...you can legally grow, smoke on the sidewalks...etc.


There are COFFEE Shops wre you can take your OWN weed and smoke with peace with other people, they have vapoirzer cafes, they have stores taht sell weed seeds, not to mention the 100's of dispensaries, and weed delivery services and the BEST part...ANYONE can go to these..with or without a licesnse.....sounds like a joke to me :yahoo

The only problem the cops have are the people taht deal weed. If your just a regular smoker they could care less..Im speaking from experience

Im happy

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