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So I have been playing et for about 7 years. I am always on in the morning. Since I work 3rd shift. I have been in several clans most of them shut down but some of them they just werent doing anything and I got bored with having to play by myself so I moved on. I am a pretty good player when Im not tired and I have a good connection. I have used the same name the whole time I have been playing et. Some of you might have seen me before on different servers. I am a very friendly guy I hate cheaters the can rot in hell. If you suck that bad that you have to cheat then dont play you ruin it for everyone. So yup if you want to know more or have any questions just ask.




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haha well if my ping is good and im not lagging im not that easy to kill but most the time i lag while im in fight and have no chance hoping to get an alienware comp soon and hopefully it will boost my ping. Hopefully I will be able to frag with you soon bud. I am mostly playing on hardcore cause I dont lag so much there. Hope to see ya soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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