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Hi All,

Been playin on COD4 F/A server for a while now, may have seen me as Dethbringer, I do ok, but enjoy the game alot thought of getting Brink which I see you all play. I am long time MMo player, EQ, WoW, DCUO, FW, and many others but i enjoy a good shooter now and then for some quick play time. I am a welder by trade and attending college to get a degree in psychology with dreams of becoming either a school counselor, or drug and alcohol counselor, time will tell. I am married with one child so I live a busy schedule as I am sure you can imagine. Played many severs on COD4 and found this one to be the better and more mature of players and members. Starting to recognize some of the F/A regulars, as I hope I am starting to be recognized as well as a easy going player.




Ed aka Dethbringer

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welcome, havn't seen you in game (yet) been awol for a few days but i'm sure I'll catch up to ya. good luck on your app. stay active as you can. I know how it is with work and family sometimes you have to do what you gotta do. atleast try to drop in and say hi and let us know you are still alive and interested in the clan. :thanks

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welcome, havn't seen you in game (yet) been awol for a few days but i'm sure I'll catch up to ya. good luck on your app. stay active as you can. I know how it is with work and family sometimes you have to do what you gotta do. atleast try to drop in and say hi and let us know you are still alive and interested in the clan. :thanks



I been on here and there, I play mostly on the F/A server COD4, under alias Dethbringer.


:hi Welcome to the forums!



Hi Razorback, I see you often, usually when your name pops up that you killed me. lol

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