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Ruins of Acquiesce (Final 3)

bell reavue

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I am requesting Ruins of Acquiesce (Final 3) for =F|A= Recruiting.


I uploaded it to your Downloads section, but I'm not 100% sure I did it correctly (off to a great start, eh?) but here's the link


Here is the description for the map directly from this RTCW file site :


"Allied Forces have discovered an ancient relic, known as the Hourglass, on a forgotten island. The treasure in combination with its key, the Dagger of Time, allows the user to control and manipulate time. Axis command has learned of this discovery and has assembled an immediate landing party to capture the relics. Allied Forces have secured the island and are ready for any attack. To advance, the Axis Forces will require anything that will facilitate their progress throughout the island palace and fortress.


The Axis force will have to move swiftly to infiltrate the Palace in hope of overcoming it; eventually leading them to the Fortress that gaurds the relics. Allies must desperately slow their progress throughout the Palace and its gardens. If the Allies fail the Fortress is their last chance. "


Also from the link there are two screenshots, one is the floor plan of the map.


I think this map will be a great addition to Recruiting. I've noticed people complaining about Tank Race because it lacks a "real objective" or because there aren't good places for large groups to fight each other, like there are in MLB Temple (around gold crate), Oasis (near cave opening), etc.


Ruins is a large map that has a simple enough objective (move tank, steal Dagger of Time, go to Hourglass). There are many spots for large combat, making it a map with high kill/death numbers. Because of this, there are a lot of opportunities for valuable experience.


It's a map I used to play on Bpark3 server, but I don't think a lot of people here have played it. It'd be a good change from the common maps everyone knows. The setting is interesting; inside a palace, with many cool structures to play around. Even if you're not playing for the objective, the map is large, and fun to explore while also meeting the enemy.


I hope you add Ruins of Acquiesce (Final 3) into the rotation for Recruiting, at least for a trial period to see what happens. It's very interesting and has a lot of elements from other great maps (good objective, lots of area to play, cool architecture). The hourglass and "dagger of time" also make it a little silly, like Warbell. I'd be very curious to see how the players like it. Thanks for considering this map!

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