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ImageImage[uJE] Office Sniper Beta 1 by Niek - And again a huge map where you are a tiny sniper.
The scene is set in 2 very high buildings. It's like 2 offices are having a sniperwar against eachother. You can shoot from one building to the other to kill them all. It's a no crossing map so have a lot of sniperfun on this one...

Image[uJE] Office Sniper Beta 1 by Niek - Und wieder eine riesige Landkarte, wo du ein winziger Heckenschütze bist.
Szene ist in 2 sehr hohe Gebäuden eingesetzt.
Es ist, wie zwei Büros die ein Sniperwar gegeneinander haben. Du kannst aus einem Gebäude zum Anderen schießen, um alle zu töten. Es ist eine NoCrossing Map, so habe viel Sniperfun auf dieser...


I love these maps.. Like Sniper Lake... I really wish we had a sniper server but I know its asking too much for the ammount I can donate >.<


I love these maps.. Like Sniper Lake... I really wish we had a sniper server but I know its asking too much for the ammount I can donate >.<

:hmm And how much is it for an sniper server if i can ask it? just as an normal server?


:hmm And how much is it for an sniper server if i can ask it? just as an normal server?


Probably less than a normal server because we probably wouldnt need so many slots >.<


A public server for 20 players would be £16 ($25-26) from GS a month.. Plus I dont know if there's extra charges from PBBans etc..


It would be easy if everyone donated a few $ a month but since they cant or dont, even those who donate $20 a month or more probably dont even cover the cost of the current servers.. I'm not criticising those who cant either, because I've had money struggles and haven't been able to, in the past I've just donated any remaining balance in my PP account, sending the odd $5 or $7.. And recently $30.. But even those $5 donations were appreciated because if the general cost of slot is a maximum of $1, if everyone donated $5 a month they'd be paying for their slot and 4 guest players slots.. And if 10 people did that it'd pay for 50 slots (which would pay for Jay1 for a month..)


If this is the one you start out in a helicopter, it is fun for about 3 times then it gets old. There are better uje sniper maps out there, like Chuckun said.

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