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Ok first of all: There could or could not be a MW3. Why: Activision fired Vince Zampella and Jason West for breach of contract: saying that they were self-serving shcemers. West and Zampella are suing Activision .for $30 million and the MW name. Now if West and Zampella do win then they will gain the IP rights to the MW series meaning that they will still be fired but Activision loses the rights to publish any CoD game set after the vietnam war and and game with Modern warfare in the title. So there is no chance, if they win, that a MW3 will be released. If Activision win then they will gain the IP rights and walk away happy.

Next year Activision are bringing the makers of dead space, sledgehammer games, into the mix who are going to turn it into and action/adventure type of thing. Sounds like cod is going down hill, I hope that the new Medal of honor coming out will be good enough to be an alternative cod. As for MW3, if they DO release one, which even if Activivision do win the rights, they might not make one at all, then it will most likely be late 2011 or maybe late 2012 I would say 2012.


More info? EA signed up fireesJason West and Vince Zampella new studio - respawn entertainment - on an exclusive contract. RE (respawn entertainment) don't even have an office but are already contracted to EA - like Valve and Crytek. Within 48 hours of RE's first press release announcing the formation of the company, seven men had resigned from infinity ward. Though none of the leavers said where they were headed, most of those who resigned are the original founders (along with West and Zampella) of Infinity ward back in 2002. if Infinity ward starts to loose talent it will be a VERY different CoD MW3 we'll see later.


if you want anymore info on this google it or pick up a games mag.


So the lowdown is: If W&Z win: They'll get the IP rights which i'm pretty sure means that htey can make anothe MW but not Actavision published or something.

If Actavision wins: they'll be able to make a MW3, but it may loos etalent, quickly.


So if a MW3 is released, it could be great or terrible. I'd say late 2012.



SOURCE: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100609040311AALvydV


I want a civil war Call of duty. You could be an indian with bows and arrows and axes and stuff. Or a Minuteman with a slow reloading musket or something. Im sick of all this same shitty fps style. What ever happened to trying to be different? If i see another bland FPS, Im going to start a genocide.

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