About This File

About This File
large map
[UJE]Demolished [12-10-2020]
Made by [UJE]Niek
Axis objective map:
After some bombardments of the axis the city is in ruins,
still allies have set up a command station in the church
that Has remained safe, the axis will start a ground offensive
with a tank to get to the church and destroy everything on it's way,
allies have to stop the tank at all costs.
Axis objective
* Escort tank to the Chruch* Destroy Command station.
* Destroy the Wall
* Build the bridge
* Build the Commandpost
Allied objective
Stop the Tank
* Prevent the Axis from blowing up the Command station
* Defend the Wall
* Build commandpost
* Prevent the axis from building the Bridge
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_demolished
My Credits go to the people who keep the game alive like the players
that keep on playing on our Teamplay server for years now.
Thanks guys for keeping the game alive.
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the tank obstruction."
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Command station in the Church."
3 "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank."
4 "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Commandpost."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Bridge."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Wall."
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Command station in the Church."
3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the tank."
4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Commandpost."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Commandpost."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Bridge."
Edited by papywolf