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Hello Hello



This Blog is going to be somewhat brief.


I wanted to take the time and type down a few things..


What has me pissed :mad


My computer! Its been giving me the Blue Screen !!


I tried everything and Microsoft can no longer help me anymore <_<


What has me worried..


I have two pending surgeries coming up soon.

What has made me happy..

The little things in life.. :wub:


What has me excited..


My health is getting better and am planning a future vacation if all goes well.


Things am looking forward to..


Movies such as..

Iron Man2

Twilight Eclipse




On another note...


I made a few phone calls and next year am getting a adorable white Eskimo Dog !

Before getting the puppy I want to be ready to care for him and have help ready.

They are simply adorable dogs! I love their coat and their personalities.




What can I do to fix this because I tried running my anti virus and it clears.

Can I simply delete it or what can I do? It already made me lose my hard drive

twice and its been recently replaced. I have not really downloaded much of anything.



Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.0.6000.

Locale ID: 1033


Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 9f

BCP1: 00000003

BCP2: 84B5D030

BCP3: 8670E030

BCP4: 85B8DC48

OS Version: 6_0_6000

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 768_1


Files that help describe the problem:








Recommended Comments

You can fix your blue screen of death permanently by filling your tub with hot water, leaving ur comp still plugged in and drop er right in. Or you can go the harder route and do a reformat/partition/reload of operating system and enjoy a new system, which is more preferrable to the first option,lol,lol...

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Hmm I don't know anything about blue screens since i never had one but I copy and pasted this from the web.

From the Web:

- Faulty memory or incompatible hardware and software. This typically happens when you install new software, hardware, or device drivers that are incompatible with your system.


- Insufficient power supply. This is due to a power supply wattage that is less than the requirements of your operating system


- Overheating of system components. This is a rather easy fix. Simply buy a computer fan to keep your system cool.


- Registry corruption and malfunctions. This is probably the most common cause of the windows blue screen. Use registry clean up software ( http://www.ccleaner.com/ )


Ya so I don't know anything about this but this is what I got on the web sooo :lol: .

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You can fix your blue screen of death permanently by filling your tub with hot water, leaving ur comp still plugged in and drop er right in. Or you can go the harder route and do a reformat/partition/reload of operating system and enjoy a new system, which is more preferrable to the first option,lol,lol...


I refortmated about 3 times

Reinstalled vista

Two new hard drives were installed since this problem started


First one gave out due to this problem. Second one only after a few months gave out because

of the same issue happening again.

My third one which is the one am trying to save just started with this issue.

I know its only a matter of time before I lose it if I don't resolve this issue.


Anyone know of any program that can remove bugs from windows vista drivers?

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I once got blue screen due to a bug that was basically caused by both my chip and motherboard... if the problem keeps occurring when different hard drives, then it is likely that you have much bigger problems =\


I'd start from the ground up and start replacing pieces, starting with chip/motherboard... if you can.. if you can't and dunno how to put all the pieces together, then i'd just get a new one. but i bet you could swap out the pieces if you tried, can often save money and stuff... just have to make sure they fit, its pretty simple.


hardware failures are a b***. if it was a software failure, it would have been resolved by now based on what you state..

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