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A brasilian experiences

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I still presenting ...

Hello colleagues, I know the W: ET for a long time, like the game since the year 2000. Although known him so long, I never learned much about the game as in recent months. I have great difficulty with English, so I'm sure I made some mistakes, especially with regard to communication. I must have left a very bad impression. I am Brazilian, I like to interact with people, and how I do not understand much English, there is much less understood weeks ago, I simply ignored what they said, well, I mu



Uma dica deste colega. / A hint of this colleague.

In portuguese:   Eu tive que seguir um caminho árduo para chegar até aqui. E ainda tenho muito o que fazer para conseguir ser aceito como um =F|A=. Procure informaçãos sobre requisições (apply) para aderir ao grupo, isso vai facilitar muito sua adesão.   Google Translator:   I had to follow a hard path to get here. And I still have lots to do to get itself accepted as a = F | A =. Seek Info on Apply to join the group, it will greatly facilitate its accession.   Good luck!



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