Im busy with an TJ by what u can come to the above level of the Temple in MLB temple from the outside now...
but I know an good deal: U tell me a spot, a route, a place, a way, whatever to TJ/TJ to and ill make my way!!
Since there is doublejumping in F|A it's old spot for u but you might notice that 90% of the servers does NOT have double tj and than this one is really handy...
And besides, u can tell me how many the people here played ET in 2003, could TJ ánd knew how this jump went? I guess you and me are probably one of the 3/4
Well peeps here's my battery jump
You can do it on any way, singlejump & etpro but it dóes take alot of practise
Please react, thank you
Here's the new version:
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Thank ya
I'll be looking out for it...
if ya like this i can learn you an very old tj that almost nobody (even not proffesional tj'peeps) know...
It's in battery and gives an awesome spot (record spree: 168 sniper kills -> did took me 8 jumps )
Actually I once of the tries made this jump that went a bit different.
Start same, 1st bounce also the same but then I got on the Door. Next to it I landed absolutely pefect and central on the platform and if I wanted I could go on to the fuel!!
Ill post this movie as well soon
Btw if you have any requests for old Tj's that are gone ask me; i know a-lot bout them!!