How is everyone?
To give you a little insight... I have been playing ET since the game first came out. My first clan I joined was pure filth clan, wasn't a very good experience and during that time I discovered my faith and left the clan. No! I'm not going to get all religious on you, my mouth is as dirty as the next old guy. I then moved on to the g4G (gamers4God) clan and it was awesome. Over time I had a little trouble internally and felt it necessary to resign my super admin status and move on. I told myself I was done with joining clans but after be encouraged by PLATO, and AN7ON, I thought I would put my name in the hat for membership. I am married with 3 children just turned 43 this past June and I'm still playing ET, I am a Chief Operation Advisor for a small custom sheet metal fabrication company here in Kansas and I imagine I will retire from there some day but not anytime soon dangit!!!
As a player in the game, I respect the diversity of the peeps that come in and understand that they are of all ages and race. I defend what is just and fair and I do not tolerate bullying unless it's in good humor. I respect others as long as they respect me. I also admire upstanding players that do what is right and maintain their composure when faced with trying situations and dealing with difficult players.
I am also a graphic artist, IT nut, drafter, bowler, fisherman, woodworker, and most of all a Dad!!! And soon to be Grandpa...
Well, if you will have me that would be great guys.
Thank you for your time.