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  1. OnePunchMan Mod 1.16.5 will introduce a new item into Minecraft. When activated, this item will grant the player the power of the main character Saitama in the popular Manga - Anime series One Punch Man. Known as the strongest hero that ever existed, Saitama can destroy any entity with a single punch. Moreover, he is also invincible and possesses incredible speed, enough to surpass anyone. Sounds pretty tempting, doesn't it? With Mod One Punch Man, you will have the opportunity to become an undefeated puncher through an armor and sword added to the game. But of course, the tremendous power in OnePunchMan Mod doesn't happen by accident - you can only get this terrible power through an expensive crafting recipe. Of course, once you have the power of Saitama in your hands, no monster or hostile entity can hurt you. Suggestions for others mod: Remove Potions Icons: To remove annoying Potions Icons from the screen Easy Diamond: To facilitate crafting if the mod is too expensive for you Easy Emerald: To facilitate crafting if the mod is too expensive for you OnePunchMan Mod Download Link : OnePunchMan Mod Suggestions for others mod: Remove Potions Icons: To remove annoying Potions Icons from the screen Easy Diamond: To facilitate crafting if the mod is too expensive for you Easy Emerald: To facilitate crafting if the mod is too expensive for you The Way to Put in Minecraft Forge? Minecraft Forge can be really a Modding API which means it is rather simple to put in a range of different Minecraft mods. Go to the Forge internet site, pick the Minecraft variant you want to conduct out of the side bar on the left, and then down load the installer. Open the .jar document you’ve just downloaded, then ensure’ Setup client’ is selected and then click okay. Once that’s finished you’ll find a success message. You should see that the Minecraft Forge text at the lower left-hand corner and a Mods button below the multi-player.
  2. Smart Moving Mod adds lots of cartoons and new capabilities, giving two controllers which you want to key bind, the sprinting key, along with the catch key. Smart Moving Mod is quite intuitive. It has controls allowing for plenty of new functions that enable you to navigate the terrain considerably quicker, smoother, and complete far more efficiently. Download Mod : Smart Moving [1.8] Hang on to ledges Do you want to climb a cliff on an expedition, but your one-meter-high jumps are not enough to climb? With Smart Moving, hang on to the edges and lift your cubic body with the strength of your arms! Step 1: Press the “grab” key ([CTRL] by default) Step 2: Go forward, while remaining pressed on “grab” Continue until you reach the top of the wall And There you go ! The two-block-high wall is no longer a problem now! For walls three blocks high, just jump, then do the same things. It is even possible to climb a wall four blocks high, we will see that later. Do you want to climb a wall made up of spaced slabs? No problem. Step 1: Press “grab” Step 2: Move along the slabs while remaining pressed on “grab” Hang on to bars and barriers Go over a barrier, or a fence? Easy ! Step 1: Press “grab” Step 2: Go forward while remaining pressed on “grab” Climb a barrier…… or hang yourself on iron bars. You can also climb on traps. Crawl Want to enter a tunnel, but the opening is only one block, and therefore too narrow for you? You just have to crawl. Step 1: Press the “sneak” button Step 2: Press the “grab” button Step 3: While holding both keys, move with your stomach to the ground. Slide As in any good self-respecting action movie, do you want to pass, narrowly, under a door that slips shut? Let's go. Step 1: start running Step 2: Press “grab” Step 3: Keep pressed on “grab”, and press “sneak”. To dive Want to take the plunge into the pool, but in an elegant way? Not very complicated. Step 1: start running Step 2: Press “grab” Step 3: Keep pressed on “grab”, and jump High jump I told you earlier about climbing a wall four blocks high, well the time has come. Thanks to the high jump, you can jump two blocks in height, and by repeating the operation from earlier to climb a wall, you can climb a wall of four blocks without too much difficulty. Step 1: Sneak Step 2: Still in sneak, hold the jump key You will see a bar above the life bar load, wait for it to be complete Step 3: Release everything Side jumps and back jump Want to imitate Link, and jump in all directions? Very good. Step 1: Quickly press the left, right or back button twice Flight and swim animation Have you always dreamed of flying in style, like Superman, and not standing up? Have you always dreamed of swimming normally, like everyone else, and not standing up? So, I tell you that this mod is really for you. You just need to fly or swim normally. The animation is replaced, and it's much better that way. To steer, simply move forward by moving the cursor in the desired direction. To return to the surface, under the sea, you no longer have to press the jump key, you just have to point the cursor towards the surface, and move forward (of course, to ascend faster, press the jump key is convenient). The same goes for theft. To move up and down, just point the cursor up or down, and move forward. Climb the ladders This mod also adds a new ladder system: you must now be turned towards the ladder to be able to climb it, which adds an effect of realism. An animation has also been added. If you don't count 16 movements (as I said at the beginning of the article), it is because some are not functional, and I have grouped several movements under the same title. A speed increase / decrease function is available, just press i to reduce its speed, and o to increase it. To activate / deactivate the mod, press [F9]. Maps made for Smart Moving A collection of maps made by baeshra . A map paying homage to the game Mirror's Edge . A Parkour map created by Bloxcraft . A very good Parkour map created by Binix . A training / challenge map created by Blue_Legion . A map challenge created by JetfireBlack . A training map created by George3636 . A quest map created by black00ut . An obstacle course created by cavesticks12 . A map challenge created by Random_Asian . A running training map created by LaBarata . A very big Parkour map created by TheNewbiesMines .
  3. ToggleSprint is a mod that allows you to switch to a sprint. How to use Toggle Sprint The button to switch to sprint is your button to run. You can change this in your Minecraft settings. Choose a color for the text. Activate the Badlion Client font for the text. Choose between classic and icon for the rendering mode. Toggle Sprint text on / off. Custom text for when Toggle Sprint is enabled. Change flight speed (This may be considered cheating on some servers. Be careful!). Activate / deactivate a separate key. Choose another key if the above option is enabled. How to install Toggle Sprint Mod With Forge Make sure you have Minecraft Forge If not, Download and Install the latest version of Minecraft Forge Download Toggle Sprint Mod file from link(s) below/above On PC Windows, Go to the Start menu Type: %appdata%/.minecraft Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft On MacOS open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Go to minecraft/modsfolder If Mods folder does not exist, create one Put Toggle Sprint Mod file into the mods folder Launch Minecraft using Forge Profile, then Open Menu Enjoy! Download Toggle Sprint Mod for Minecraft 1.14.4/1.13.2/1.12.2/1.8.9 toggle sprint mod 1.8.9
  4. Litematica Mod is a new schematic mod written from scratch and is targeting light (client-side) mod loaders like LiteLoader on 1.12.x, Rift on 1.13.x and Fabric on 1.14+,1.16+. The default hotkey to open the in-game config GUI is M + C. If you are for example on AZERTY keyboard layout instead, then the keys are different, and M + C becomes, + C instead, etc. Note: If you have Optifine installed, then there are some options that you most likely will need to disable in Optifine HD, or otherwise it will break the schematic rendering: Render Regions needs to be disabled Shaders need to be set to OFF, or alternatively disable VBOs in the vanilla Video settings, and disable both the ‘schematicOverlayModelOutline‘ and ‘schematicOverlayModelSides‘ options in the Visuals category Fast Render might also need to disable if there is still some weird HUD/GUI rendering issues. and The main feature of a schematic mod is to display a “hologram” version of a structure, which shows you exactly how to build the structure and where to place the blocks. It also includes a (configurable) overlay to highlight missing, extra or wrongly placed blocks. Litematica also includes a nice Material List, including a Material List HUD, to help you collect the materials needed for the build. There is also a Schematic Verifier feature, including an overlay, which you can use to scan the entire schematic area and look for any mistakes. This can be extremely useful especially with technical/redstone builds, where tiny mistakes can break everything. There are also several Creative-mode-only helper features, such as Fill, Replace, Delete and also a Paste mode for “pasting” schematics into the world (immediate/direct in single player, using /setblock commands in multiplayer). Download Links: litematica 1.16.5
  5. Dragon Block C Mod 1.7.10 adds many items from the Dragon Ball Z game. This mod adds new weapons, armor, dragon ball stones, ores, biomes and more. Features: Ki (pronounced “kee”), also known as chi or simply energy, is the force energy used by the Dragon Ball characters. Ki “Energy” system Now with growing Ki bar! Ki Charge! With own Effects and Colors for different states like super Ki Jump! More then 4 block high for now Ascend to Super! Use Ki to make Ki Fire (it emits light) As Super you can Jump higher, and Fire Stronger Kamehame Wave Now you can fly! 2 times faster if Super. (This is not Creative Fly!) Floating in air! Dash! 2 times faster if Super. 4 new chargeing aura effects. KaioKen! below lvl 10 or with scouter. Above lvl 10 with saiyan hair you may go super but no kaioken. Cool new Ki attack trials! And more! Your punches now get stronger as you level! New Explosions (fixes lag) now it wont drop blocks, And New Animation for the Explosion! Ever wanted to see two ki attacks clashing? Well now you can try it with your friends! New the Scouter! Is implemented! (You dont need my SA Addon) Scouters have now own interface and Sounds 4 Scouter Functions switchable by Scouter Key It can detect other players Sagas System Testing Feature. Saiyan Saga & Freeza Saga Featuring mobs: Saibamans, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, The Ginyu Force and Freeza with 5 states Wish System Put 7 Dragon Blocks in H form on ground and right click the middle one. Shenron will spawn to grant you wish Now 5 wishes are available and the Namek DBs triple the effect. New Models for mobs and effects too! Custom chargeing Aura Custom Dragon Blocks Shenron And for Many Enemy mobs. Space Pod Transport System Go to other Planets and leave a nice crater there! ^^ New Biome and Dimension: Planet Namek: Namekians! And for now one type Namek building It has a Namek Biome, and spawns mooshrooms and zombies. With Ajisa trees. They can be planted on Namek Grass only and will grow! Green horizont and green water! Namekian Ajisa tree can be used to craft planks Planet Vegeta 2 Type of saiyans will spawn Red horizont and red water! New Blocks: New DBC Tab for blocks and items Namek Stone for Namekian Houses Dragon Blocks: Spawn in the world in stone form. It drops a Dragon Block. After a random time it will turn normal to be able to detect. Namek Dragon Blocks: Same as Dragon Blocks but only in Namek. SpacePod(teleporter) New Ore: Warenai Ore and it yields a Warenai Crystal (its an original idea by me) Katchin Shard Only acquired by Dragon Blocks New Swords: Katana Brave Sword Z Sword New Ranged Weapon: KameHame Wave Kame Hame Wave Times 10 Ki Blast Makankosappo (Special Beam Cannon) Final Flash Big Bang Dodon Ray Energy Disk Finger Leser Masenko Galic Gun Death Beam Spirit Bomb Planet Destroyer Burning Attack New Items: Senzu bean Reworked Battle Armor sets in 6 color and shape. Scouters in 6 color. And They work really if the Addon is Installed Fighters Gi sets in Goku, Piccolo and future Trunks styles. New is Vegetto style set (The Better Render is not yet compatible with it) 2 type Saiyan Hair. Normal Black and Half Saiyan Purple. And can Ascend to Super AlienTech Chip to make the SpacePod(teleporter) New Sounds For Ki Techniques And for Scouter New Effects For every Ki Technique Language Support! German (Deutsch) Hungarian (Magyar) Brazil (Brasil) Portuguese (Português) And much more.. Download Links: Dragon Block C Mod
  6. Minecraft - a game that is not impressive from the name, graphics, game content is nothing special, unique, but always creates an attraction for many gamers. Perhaps it is because of the diverse, rich gameplay, because the squares look rough when combined together to create extremely interesting and unique things. In addition to the new style of play, players are not constrained to any unique framework, or gameplay to experience. For new players, the most difficult is probably the command system in Minecraft. Because it is a simulation game in the Open World, with many different maps, Minecraft's command system is also quite diverse. Request :you need to install optifine 1.16.3 forge 1.16.4 Minecraft commands for beginners 1. Commands on who basically plays in Minecraft /resident - Displays your own information on the screen. /resident friend remove+ < player name> - Remove the offline player from the friends list. /resident friend clearlist - Remove all players from the friends list. /resident friend add < player name> - Add players who are online to the list of friends. /resident friend remove < player name> - Remove online player from friends list. /resident < player name> - Displays other players' information on the screen. /resident friend add+ < player name> - Add offline players to the friends list. 2. Interactive commands in Minecraft game /resident toggle spy - administrators can turn on spy channel chat. /resident toggle map - turn on the map when moving over the plot boundary line. /resident toggle reset - turn off all active modes (above). /resident toggle plotborder - Command to show plot boundaries as you move through it. 3. Summing up orders on Town in Minecraft Town in Minecraft is a wild land, after being acquired by any owner, the land will be established as an organization, a private town with activities of living, building, community and survival. Commands about Town in the game include: /town withdraw. /town - Displays the towny information you are participating in. /town unclaim - Sell the land of the town. /town help - Displays commands you can use in towny. /town leave - Leave the current town. /town join <têntown>- Please join another person's town. /town claim - Buy land for town. /towny add <Tên>- Add someone to your towny. /town deposit - Transfer money to the town bank. /town new < town name> - Create a new town. B- Extended Towny Commands /town unclaim all - Sell all the land of the Town. /town online - Show players who are online in Towny. /town rank add/remove <tên_người_chơi><tên_hạng>- Add or delete the current player's rank in Town. /spawn <tên_town>- Moving to another Towny. /town here - Show the Towny information you are standing for. /town outpost - Set up outpost location for Town. /town new < town> <tho > - Create a new Town with the first set master town. /town spawn - Move to your Towny. /town add <tên>assistant - Choose someone as Deputy Town. /town board <message>- Add notifications when the manager is online. /town homeblock - Set up a spawn place to go to Towny. /town delete < town name> - Delete current Town. /town ranklist - See player ranks in Town. /town perm - See Town's policies. /town list - Displays a list of all Towny's in the server. 4. Towny management command in Minecraft game /town set taxes <số_tiền>- Set taxes for Town. /town set spawn - Set spawn position for Town. /town set name < new name> - Change your Town name. /town set perm - Install policies for Town. /town set mayor <tên_người_chơi>- Transfer the mayoral position to others. /townchat - Switch to Chat Town mode. B - Extended Towny command, advanced installation: /town toggle open - Allows opening to mem join comfortably or close the door. /town toggle explosion - Allow or not to allow explosions in town. /town toggle pvp - Allows or does not allow PVP (fighting) in Town. /town toggle taxpercent - Tax regulation in the type of percentage or number specified. /town toggle public - Allow or not allow others to spawn to your Town. /town toggle fire - Allow or not allow fires to burn in the Town. /town toggle mobs - Allow or not allow mobs (monsters) to be born in the Town. C - Order creation rules in Town /t set perm build on/off - Turn building mode on/off in Town. /t set perm destroy on/off - Turn block breaking mode on/off in Town. /t set perm switch on/off - Turn the switch in Town on/off. /t set perm itemuse on/off - Turn item usage on/off with anyone in Town. /t set perm {resident/ally/outsider} {build/destroy/switch/itemuse} {on/off}: Turn on/off construction / break blocks / switches / use for residents / allies / outsiders. 5. Plot command template in Minecraft game /plot - Displays plot commands. /plot claim - Order for members of Town to buy the land the Town is selling. /plot perm - Shows the boundaries of the plot on which the player is standing. /plot notforsale - Order the Town owner to cancel ownership of a previously sold land/plot set shop - Put a plot as a shop. /plot forsale <giá>- Order for the Town owner to determine the selling price of a plot of land located in the Town. /plot unclaim – Order for members to cancel ownership of land purchased from town owners. /plot set arena - Set a plot as an arena. /plot set embassy - Set a plot as embassy. /plot set name - Allows the mayor or plot owner to rename the plot they own (the individually owned plot will show both the name of both the owner and the booker). /plot toggle clear - The order removes the list of blocked IDs of the plot, used by the mayor who owns the town or by the plot owner in their own plot. /plot set reset - Reset your plot back to its original shape. /plot set perm {on/off} - Adjust the boundary curve of each plot in which the player is standing. /plot toggle fire - Allow or not allow fire to burn in the plot. /plot toggle pvp - Allows or does not allow PVP in the plot. /plot toggle explosion - Allows or does not allow explosions in the plot. /plot toggle mob - Allow or not allow mobs born in plot. 6. Country commands in Minecraft When a group of many Towny's are united together, it forms a Nation. Each Country has a head, called the Sultan. /nation new < country name> < name of the capital> - Create a new country, put the Capital. /nation set name < country name> - named Country. /nation - displays the player's Country information. /nation list . /nation removes < country name> - Removes a Country from the list of allies. /nation enemy add < country name> - Add 1 Country as an enemy. /nation online - Show players who are online in your Country. /nation < country name> - Displays other Country's information. /nation leave - leave the country you are in (the mayor uses). /nation set king < player's name> - The King orders to change the throne to others. /nation set captial < town> - Set the capital of the kingdom. Nation set taxes < amount of money> - The King sets taxes for the whole country. /nation deposit < amount> - Order to send money to your country. /nation withdraw < amount> - Withdrawal order from your Country. /nation new < country name> - Order to create a new Country (mayor used). /nation rank - National support (deputy)/individual title. /nation add < town> - Invite 1 town to his country. /nation kick < town> - Remove 1 town from his country. /nation delete < country name> - Delete Your Country. /nation ally. /nation add < country name> - Add a Country as an ally. /nation enemy remove < country name> - Remove a Country from the enemy list. /nation rank add < player name> <> - Best name for a player. /nation rank remove < player's name> < title> - Abolish a player's title. Download Mod For Minecraft :https://wminecraft.net/
  7. Imagine… A green, flat world… Giant trees rising up around you… Fireflies twinkle, perched on the trees, lighting up the place, mostly plunged in semi-darkness. Other strange, hostile-looking creatures approach, shaking their limbs brutally in the hope of scaring you ... Twilight Forest is a new dimension, adventure-driven exploration mod that takes you on a journey to encounter strange creatures, dungeon exploration, and much more. Access to the Twilight Forest: First of all, to access this new dimension, you will have to create a rather special portal. To do this, dig a deep hole in the ground of 1 block, and 2 × 2 cubes in length. Then arrange around this portal natural elements such as red and yellow flowers, but also mushrooms, herbs, using bone powder. To activate the portal, you will need to throw a small diamond into the water. Lightning will fall and activate the portal! Progression : The first part to progress is to create the Twilight Forest portal. Creating a base in the dimension is suggested, but not required. Magic cards and a mod with a minimap are useful for locating dungeons and biomes. Twilight Forest: The first bosses to progress are in the Twilight Forest. Here is the list of bosses to fight: Naga: You can find the naga in the Naga Courtyard structure. Upon death, you will receive Naga Scales and a Naga Trophy. Touching a scale will allow entry into the Lich Tower. Twilight Lich: You can find this boss in the Lich Tower. When you defeat her, you will obtain a specter which will allow you to access the swamps and access the dungeons there. Swamp : The next step in progressing through the mod is to gain access to the swamps. You must have defeated and obtained the specter of the Twilight Lich or you will receive a starvation penalty if you enter the swamp biome without having followed this step. Here are the bosses to fight in the swamp: Minoshroom: You can find this boss in the labyrinth. You will need to defeat him in order to obtain meef stroganoff which, when consumed, grants access to the Fire Swamp biome. Hydra: This boss can be found in the Fire Swamp biome in the Hydra lair structure. Once killed, it grants Fiery Blood and grants you access to the Dark Forest biome. Dark Forest: This is the third step in the progression of the Twilight Forest mod. In addition to its already extreme darkness, players will be inflicted with Blindness if they have not defeated the Hydra first. This can be circumvented if the player is wearing an enchanted helmet with Night Vision. Here are the bosses to fight in this biome: Knight Phantom: You can find it in the Goblin Knight Stronghold structure which is located under the Dark Forest. To access this fortress, you will need to find a pedestal and place a trophy there. Once the trophy is placed, the protection of the fortress will dissipate and you can enter it to defeat the boss. Once killed you will have access to the Dark Tower. Ur-Ghast: The Ur-ghast can be found in the Dark Tower in the middle of the Black Forest. It will be at the top of the tower, along with many other monsters, such as Carminite Ghastlings, Towerwood Borers, and Carmine Golems. Killing him will allow you to continue your adventure to the snowy biomes. You have to get his Tears of Fire to progress. Snowy Forest & Glacier: In this fourth step, you will have to explore the snowy biomes of the mod. If you haven't done the previous steps, a penalty will freeze you and greatly slow your movement. Here are the bosses to fight: Alpha Yeti: The Alpha Yeti can be found in the Yeti's lair, in the center of the Snow Forest biomes. Killing him will unlock access to the Glacier Biome. Snow Queen: The Snow Queen can be found in the Aurora Palace, located in the Glacier Biome. Once you've killed her, you can move on to the final stages of progression. The final stages: There are three final steps to complete before you can complete the mod at 100%. Here are the final steps: Troll: The Cave Troll and the Giant Miner can be found in the Troll Cave and Cloud Cottage. To complete this step, the player must obtain the item: Lamp of Cinders. Once the lamp has been acquired, the player can proceed to the next step. Thorns: The Thornlands stage The penultimate stage of the Twilight Forest mod. It is completed by obtaining either a Thorns Block or a Green Thorns Block. This allows the player to move on to the final stage of progression. Final Castle: This is the final step. However, no bosses have yet been implemented in this structure and you will have explored all of the content the mod currently offers. The Twilight Forest Mod 1.16.3-1.16.2-1.12.2 Download Links: Twilight Forest 1.16.3
  8. ProjectE Mod 1.16.3 is a remake of Equivalent exchange 2 or EE2 for short. This mod adds all the old items and blocks back such as the destruction catalyst, Gem armor and of course Energy condensers. Transmutation tables, collectors, condensers, flying rings, and all the other trinkets you love are here. This mod allows users to transmute materials into other materials, using various items and machines. It adds a system known as Energy-Mass Currency, or EMC, which is used to represent the values of items. This value differs from item to item, and is used in determining how much of one material another requires. EMC can also be stored and produced through other means. EMC is also used by certain blocks and items to carry out powerful effects. How to install? Download and run the latest version of Minecraft Forge Locate the minecraft application folder. On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Download the mod Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder Launch Minecraft and Enjoy the mod. ProjectE Mod 1.16.3-1.16.2-1.15.2-1.14.4-1.12.2 Download Links: ProjectE Mod 1.16.3
  9. fabric installer 1.16.3 are lightweight and modular, making porting faster and game instances leaner. Fabric development targets snapshots as well as release versions, allowing earlier mod updates and more informed community planning. The Fabric toolchain is available for everyone to use - even if you only want to use some of it! Fabric mod design features Fabric APIs are super lightweight and modular, making game versions much more stable and stable compared to other APIs. Fabric Tool Chain is readily available to everyone – even if you just want to use some of them. How to install Fabric Mod Loader Download the installation file. Run the file, select your version of the game or snapshot, and then click Install. In the launcher, select the version with the ‘fabric-loader’ in it`s name. Download Links: fabric installer 1.16.3
  10. I know there are plenty of them available but there is nothing that is similar to what iam looking for. These datapacks all clear the trees instantly withing a millisecond and thats a little bit too "cheaty" for me. The old Treecapitator calculated how big a tree was and depending on that it took longer for trees with more blocks, which was the perfect balance between an easier life of getting wood and not being too overpowered. But so far ive found nothing that comes close.... I hope someone has an idea for me ! With TreeCapitator Mod, when you see large trees, you don't have to think about how long it takes to cut it down. Instead think about the huge amount of wood you're about to own. How to install: Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and BspkrsCore. Locate the minecraft application folder. On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. Links download TreeCapitator Mod 1.16.3-1.16.2-1.12.2-1.7.10: TreeCapitator 1.16.3
  11. Carry On Mod is a mod version of the popular Minecraft game in the gaming community. This mod supports players holding blocks and mobs on hand in their journey to explore the vast Minecraft world, bringing a new gaming experience for users. Carry On Mod is a simple game mod designed to enhance interactivity in the game, allowing players to select, hold and place single Tile Entities (such as a refrigerator, a fireplace, a blender. , springs and your favorite machines from other Tech Mods) with bare hands. Objects or hoes are not necessary. For fans of League of Legends game, Mod Skin LOL is for the need to change outfits and dress up generals, change the appearance of the characters of the game, especially Mod Skin LOL is applied on all league games of the countries of the world. Besides, Carry On Mod also allows players to hold smaller mobs. Installation Instructions: - Make sure you have the Minecraft Forge widget installed - Locate the Minecraft application folder On Windows, open Run from the start menu, type% appdata%, then click Run On a Mac, open Finder, press ALT and click Go -> Library at the top of the menu bar. Open the Application Support folder and look for Minecraft. - Put the mod you just downloaded (jar file format) into the Mods folder When you launch Minecraft and click on the mods button, then the mod is installed. Main features of Carry On Mod: - Mod version of the game Minecraft - Support players holding blocks and mobs in hand in their journey to explore the world of Minecraft - Single blocks Tile Entities fridges, fireplaces, blender, springs ... - Improve interactivity in the game Download Mod : Carry On Mod
  12. ItemPhysic Mod helps upgrade the physical effects of Minecraft's activities to become more realistic, loading and installing ItemPhysic Mod now the image of magical square blocks will be extremely lifey to bring players but extremely interesting emotions. With the usual Minecraft game will give players a little boring feeling about authenticity. Therefore, the game is always used by modders to try to improve small parts such as lighting system, grip or physical effects of the item so that the game becomes more and more life-like. ItemPhysic Mod is a physics-themed mod with the main feature revolving around changing the way items and blocks exist in the game environment. ItemPhysic Mod gives players 2 versions including the full version, the non-flammable item in real life will become a fireproof item when dropped into lava in the game. Besides the Lite version, the item after dropping to the ground will stand still, not spinning or flying around as before. Carpenter's Blocks Mod is a useful mod for players who love to build in the world of Minecraft, Carpenter's Blocks Mod helps to widen the limits in the construction aspect, now everything is no longer limited by square blocks. Players can download the latest ItemPhysic Mod version to their machine and install it. You also need to be aware that the mod requires any additional core mods to function normally. ItemPhysic Mod for Minecraft Download Links: ItemPhysic Mod
  13. MOD - MMD OreSpawn 1.12.2 is an add-on, API essential for some mods that add new ore to Minecraft, this mod allows you to properly sleep them. The mod itself does not add anything required for the following mods: Base Metals, nether metals and. maybe some others. How to install? Select the version of Minecraft you want, You installed Minecraft Forge Locate the minecraft app folder. On the open run from the start menu, type% appdata% and click Run. On the mac finder, hold down ALT and click Go, and then go to Library in the top menu bar. Open the App support folder and find Minecraft. Download the Mod Move downloaded Jar (zip) files to the "mods" folder Launch Minecraft and enjoy the mod. Download Link Mod : OreSpawn 1.12.2
  14. This mod contains several powers based on the anime "One Piece".Devil Fruit is a mysterious and mysterious fruit found all over the world that, when consumed, gives the eater a special ability, depending on the type and variation of the fruit itself. With only one notable exception, an individual can only obtain the power of a single Devil Fruit. Devil Fruit contains a lot of power that can be used in a variety of ways, from mundane gadgets to powerful attacks. They are extremely valuable on the market, and many of the world's most powerful people, especially those of the three great powers, consume them. All Devil Fruits can be divided into three different categories, which are Paramecia, Logia and Zoan. According to the "legend", those who eat this fruit give the eater a unique special ability.Let's experience the devil fruits in Minecraft mod version Mine Mine no Mi Devil Fruit: Devil fruits are mysterious fruits found in the world. After eating, you will possess supernatural powers that ordinary people cannot have. This type of strength depends on the type of fruit eaten. The Anime One Piece and Mine Mine no Mi Mod also have their differences, which is the ability of the Devil Fruit. At the same time, Mine Mine no Mi Mod still regularly adds new fruits to the mod through updates. All Devil Fruits are found in boxes and there are 3 types of such boxes. Those are Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Tier 1-2 usually appear in small pirate ships while Tier 3 is only in large ships. Usually, Tier 1 contains weak Paramecia fruit, Tier 2 gives you stronger Paramecia and Tier 3 contains all Logia and Zoan. It is not excluded that Minecraft players install this mod but have never read or watched One Piece movie. So, the mod author added a basic introduction to each Devil Fruit, each with its own ability for you to exploit. The player who has eaten the Logia fruit does not take damage unless the attack is Busoshoku Haki, other Logia attacks, or with weapons made of Kairoseki. Logia's power can help you fly. The main power from the Paramecia fruit is used to manipulate surrounding objects or concepts, creating a broad attack. The rarest and least visible type in the mod is Zoan - capable of transforming the character's body into an animal. The current number of Paramecia, Logia and Xoan fruits are: Paramecia: 22 Logia: 10 Zoan: 3 Download Mod : Mine Mine no Mi Mod
  15. You are viewing version 1.7.10 (standard version) of SuperHeroes Unlimited Mod software, updated on November 9, 2018 Description: Super powerful mod for Minecraft characters SuperHeroes Unlimited Mod 1.7.10 contains a wide range of different superheroes who can bring lots of epic powers to your game. Thanks to them, you can fly, gain special abilities, easily destroy mobs, and gain more potion effects. What is better than suiting up with super-strength, fast reflexes, power suits, and cool gadgets in the SuperHeroes Unlimited Mod? You will be able to immerse yourself in the world of superheroes; you can play as any villains you like in your favorite comic book. You can even dominate your world thanks to your power. Fight bosses, craft characters, and travel along the way to uncharted territory are what your hero was born to be. Software released by Tihyo, with a capacity of 32.6 MB, with 1433 downloads Supported operating systems: Windows All Current version: 1.7.10 Download Link : SuperHeroes Unlimited Mod
  16. For those who play Minecraft games, everyone knows that this world-famous game does not have features available. Of course, players need to create and add game mods to their game worlds. Have you ever felt quite uncomfortable fighting with mobs in Minecraft without knowing how much damage you did? But don’t worry because now you have a Damage Indicators game mod created by ToroCraft- a veteran member of CurseForge.com on June 2, 2016. And this mod designer is always listening to everyone’s opinion, fixing bugs and updating it to bring the latest and most suitable Damage Indicators versions for Minecraft. As its name implies, ToroCraft’s Damage Indicators Mod 1.16.3 is a game mod specially created to display the player’s damage index on mobs. Certainly, players will not be able to miss this game mod. Download Damage Indicators Mod 1.16.3 Damage Indicators 1.16.3
  17. Basic features of Ancient Warfare Mod 1.12.2 The core module has added core functionality and the necessary shared code for all other modules. Structure module added creating structure based on pattern in World Gen. Includes in-game tools for creating new patterns, as well as some tools to aid in map creation in general. The automation module will include machines for the automation of crop cultivation, tree planting, other resource farming, breeding, resource extraction and processing. Also includes a full featured MJ and RF compatible power carrier network. NPC modules are added with a player’s recruitable NPC for combat and utility purposes. Various types of combat NPCs are available as well as several types of non-combat NPCs and many gadgets. Besides, the mod is also based on Forge, FML, to be compatible with higher mods. Open source code will also be available to view, download, or contribute. In addition, the Ancient Warfare Mod, Ancient Warfare Mod 1.12.2 is also equipped with localization support. In addition, Ancient Warfare Mod, Ancient Warfare Mod also gives players many other interesting features that when playing can feel all. If you have not understood all the new features and features of Mod before, you can refer to the information in the shared article above. Hopefully through this article you will have more information and knowledge to be able to participate in this game. Hope you have more interesting experiences through Ancient Warfare Mod. Download Link : Ancient Warfare Mod 1.12.2
  18. Dragon Dance Resource Pack was originally known as one of the first handcrafted cartoon style packs for Minecraft. This resource pack uses great colors, so Dragon Dance brings a great experience to the Minecraft community. Dragon Dance offers beautifully designed textures combined with sharp and vibrant colors. Create a fun and lively atmosphere in your Minecraft world. Pros of Dragon Dance 1.16 - Minecraft Texture Pack? Completely beautiful new textures in the Minecraft world Increase texture resolution to 128x128 resolution for a great experience Giving players a bright and vibrant color palette truly enhances the overall experience Cons of Dragon Dance 1.16 - Minecraft Texture Pack? There will be some Minecrafter who dislike the cheerful art style that Dragon Dance 1.16. 1 bring Some textures appear to be lacking compared to others Most likely Dragon Dance 1.16. 1will not run well on lower level PC setups How to install: Requires: Optifine HD, Download a resource pack, you should get a .zip file.v Open the folder to which you downloaded the file. Copy the .zip file. Open Minecraft. Click on “Options”, then “Resource Packs”. Choose “Open resource pack folder”. Paste the file into the resource folder in Minecraft. Go back to Minecraft, the resource pack should now be listed and you can activate it by choosing it and hitting “Done”. Download Link : Dragon Dance Resource Pack
  19. TooManyItems 1.12.2 is a quite famous mod for those who want to make changes to the original Minecraft game, TooManyItems helps you to create blocks quickly through a smart and convenient working interface, this is a mod that Most players are installed on their own computers. TooManyItems is no longer too strange to anyone because of its popularity. The main feature is to display a widget in the player's Inventory to provide almost all information about existing blocks in Minecraft and its crafting formula. TooManyItems 1.12.2 is the perfect Minecraft mod for those looking for convenience, no matter what game mode you choose. The mod has access to spawners, provides a favorites list to store the items and blocks you like best for fast access. Outfox Mod is also a pretty interesting mod that gives players super cute pets, Outfox Mod's outstanding features are extremely cute fluffy foxes. Another interesting feature that TooManyItems brings to players is the trash (trash). This is where you can remove your unused tiems. Just right click on any item and easily remove from the list. Or you can also remove multiple items at the same time to add space for other important items. Download Link Mod : TooManyItems 1.12.2
  20. With SkyBlock Map Mod, players will begin the journey to explore the floating island with initial images of only a chest and a tree. The player's task is to expand the game world and perform survival quests. SkyBlock Map Mod gives players many challenges with many different difficulty from building stone generators, building houses, expanding islands, making fruit farms with melons, pumpkins, sugarcane, bed design, creating torch or create stone blocks with different amount of stones depending on level, etc. In the SkyBlock Map Mod mod, players are required to follow the principles of not deliberately jumping off the island to regain strength, not bridging back to the mainland and starting to play from the tables with the lowest difficulty. . SkyBlock Map Mod originates from extremely simple ideas but still brings a great attraction for players who love the legendary Minecraft series. SkyBlock Map Mod is exploited from elements similar to Minecraft; Therefore, Minecraft players will definitely feel familiar with SkyBlock Map Mod and quickly love SkyBlock Map Mod. Minecraft does not have a large context, but it offers extremely interesting tasks - designing a fancy 2D city and doing many different professions and jobs to survive in that city. It can be said that Minecraft has a great creative potential, easy to see through the collection of terrain blocks and building cities in the player's own style. To play Minecraft game versions, certainly indispensable for the presence of Minecraft Launcher software, which has been known by many gamers, Minecraft Launcher is a Minecraft game launcher that helps players log in and download Minecraft game versions. latest and set up game download and launch Minecraft games quickly, manage game information, edit profile pictures, etc. Download Link : SkyBlock Map
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