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Everything posted by Eyeman

  1. Jay 1 night rotation with Baserace? Hell yes.
  2. Oh man, I just keep tripping myself up! I didn't mean to suggest I was paying off the server for being unbanned or anything, or accociate the two in anyone's mind- I just wanted to show my appreciation to the admin for dealing with my problem so quickly. I've never donated to the server before, and it simply struck me as a good time to show my support with actions rather than words, in what little way I could.
  3. Just wanted to say thanks to Daredevil (I think it was him) who unbanned me recently- despite my posting a ban protest in the wrong section, and with very little info, etc. I made a small donation to the server, to thank you for being so expedient in this matter- I really didn't relish being banned for a whole month on what I thought were pretty shaky grounds. Look forward to fragging again soon, V57!
  4. Thanks r.Pace, the mediums I used for those are as follows; PS - Gouache - Gouache - Pencil - Gouache I'll use any medium. I'm new to PS and painting with a tablet though- the first pic is pretty much my first attempt at a serious, all Photoshop painting.
  5. Art section? Can't really help myself here. I put some art in my app, bad place in hindsight. That king one is a WIP for a competition I'm entering. Thought I'd throw it in anyway.
  6. Good to see a fellow writer here! Are those Montana cans you got there? Personally I prefer Belton, but I know many people who swear by Montanas.
  7. Hi and thanks Cillic. Man I feel way better after a good sleep! EDIT) Haha just re-read my introduction, man was I wrecked last night! I recall hallucinating quite badly too, freakin ABBA music was emanting from the floorboards, and the walls were like a mass of worms! I think Dean Stockwell made an appearance at some point... Sleep deprivation- A recipe for wierdness. Not pleasant.
  8. Hey all, Decided to apply for clan membership. I was pretty happy, engineering away in the background, an easy-going lone wolf with a pair of pliers and a deathwish. After like the third time a member asked me to join, I figured what the hell. I still can't remember who asked most recently though... Purple name guy you know who you are, even if I don't. Ok, so where was I? Ah, my introduction. Ok, so the lone wolf who travels by the name of Eyeman decides somewhat reluctantly to seek membership in the team, but maintains his shadowy rogue-like edge... Hold on, I seem to be role playing my Eyeman character now... I haven't slept for like 30 hours. Had to stockpile nuts for the winter so to speak. By stockpile I mean bag, and by nuts I mean beans. Baked beans. Whoa I gotta sleep! I'll post something more coherent tommorrow. I sorta just filled this out as it was a requisite of the app. Peace!
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