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Everything posted by plane

  1. Currently my note-taking app can save notes into localStorage (it s gonna save notes into IndexedDB later) for offline usage and i've just made basic RESTful API (without multi user handling, auth and saving notes into db on server, its saving notes temporary) and connected it to my frontend. I m gonna make more complex backend with multi user access, auth, saving notes into db (MongoDB), SignalR (Realtime communication), Redis (caching) and realtime collaboration later. It can just do basic CRUD operations for one user (creating, loading, updating and deleting notes on the server). Im using React for frontend (quill.js for text editor) and ASP.NET Core WebAPI for backend. Also my parents bought me new beautiful laptop that I wanted for really long time (and i fking love this laptop) Microsoft Surface laptop 7 with Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus Chip hehe Current backend: Current frontend:
  2. No problem mate and im happy the map is almost fixed 😄
  3. Im sorry i dont have any experience with doing any kind of development or map making for ET but i can look at it
  4. Thanks man 😄 I'm using 5173 because it's default port in Vite 😄
  5. Im currently working on my side project (note-taking app hehe) It can't do much things so far but i'm still working on it It'll get much more features soon
  6. HI I've just done my school project where we are supposed to create website for imaginary coffee shop and... this is my result:
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