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Battlefield 5 VS Call of Duty 2016, Will Be ‘Great’

Night Hunter

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EA and DICE are finally due to release the next installment in the Battlefield saga by the end of this year- and once again, they will be going up against Activision and their Call of Duty series. EA and Activison have sparred for supremacy over the shooter market before- and while Call of Duty always comes out on the side, EA has doubtless managed to make life difficult for Activision.
Industry analyst Michael Pachter believes that may happen this time, too- in an exclusive interview with GamingBolt, Pachter noted that Battlefield 5, which is expected to launch by this year’s end, may well be a threat to this year’s Call of Duty game.
“Of course it will be [a threat],” Pachter said. “I just think that there’s less overall competition. Battlefield 5 itself will be great- it’s just that last year there were five games that took 60 million units of sales- Halo, Fallout, Battlefront, Assassin’s Creed, and Call of Duty. This year, on the other hand, there are only four games, and one of them, Mafia 3, isn’t as big as the smallest of those others. So if Mafia offsets Assassin’s Creed, and Battlefield does Battlefront… then Watch Dogs is competing for Fallout’s share, and what happens to Halo’s share? It needs to go somewhere, so it should be good for everybody.”
Of course, this projected landscape for the holiday season may well change with E3 coming up- it is entirely possible that more games are announced which will be competing for the same share of the pie. That, plus the rumored launches of the NX and PlayStation 4K, as well as the confirmed launch of the PlayStation VR, will doubtless all be competing for the same dollars as well.
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From COD 2016


Call of Duty 2016 Will Be Either Be A New IP Like Ghosts Or Will Go Back To Modern Warfare


Last year, Activision finally managed to get Call of Duty out of its slump when they released Treyarch’s Black Ops 3, which ended up being the biggest, most successful Call of Duty game since Treyarch’s own Black Ops 2 in 2012. As a result, there is a fair bit of goodwill and excitement around this year’s game- how will Activision follow up?
Of course, this excitement needs to be tempered, too, because while Black Ops 3 was by Treyarch, who are now widely considered to be the best studio working on Call of Duty, this year’s game is by Infinity Ward, who are widely considered to be the worst. It is also unclear what Infinity Ward may be working on, this year- according to analyst Michael Pachter, however, Infinity Ward’s new game is either a new Modern Warfare or a brand new IP.
“I think that the risk is that they make a bad game again- [but] the likelihood is that with Dave Stohl running the studio – he’s the former co-founder, so he’s worked on great games – they’ll probably do a good job,” Pachter said of the studio. “But the last Infinity Ward game was Ghosts, and it was bad. So there’s always that risk. The upside is competition is far less severe this holiday- Battlefield is a bigger game that Battlefront, but you don’t have Halo, Fallout, or Assassin’s Creed this year. You very likely have Watch Dogs. And probably Mafia 3, but I don’t think that will be a huge game. So less competition, which means Call of Duty will probably do very well this holiday. But who knows?
“Somebody- some rumor said it was set in World War 1? Which would shock me. They may go back to World War 2, but I think people like the whole concept of ‘modern warfare,’ and you can’t set it in World War 2 and call it Modern Warfare 4. I’d also be really surprised if they called it Ghosts 2. So we’ll see how it is. Probably not Advanced Warfare, and definitely not Black Ops, so what’s left? Either a new IP like Ghosts, or go back to Modern Warfare, which I think they know how to do. So that would be my bet.”
Of course, Infinity Ward could just stubbornly double down on Ghosts and try to salvage it with a sequel – there have been other poorly received games that have done well with their sequels, such as the original Assassin’s Creed, as an example – but ultimately, what Pachter says sounds extremely likely. Given that Activsion is extremely profit seeking, and Ghosts was ultimately the lowest selling Call of Duty game in a very long time (not to mention damaging to the franchise’s long term prospects), Activision will probably have Infinity Ward avoid a new Ghosts game like a minefield.
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