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Leaked trailer for The Division

Night Hunter

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What appears to be a new trailer for Tom Clancy's The Division, Ubisoft's upcoming end-of-the-world shooter, has leaked online. It was quickly pulled, but not before it was snagged and hosted elsewhere, an online relocation that was noticed by Eurogamer. Unfortunately for those of you who don't speak the lingo, that trailer was narrated entirely in Italian, but now Ubisoft has bowed to the inevitable and released the English-language version of the video on YouTube.
The trailer features plenty of humanity's inherent selfishness and cruelty to take in, as well as insights into the safer areas in post-apocalyptic New York, which will evolve and expand as the game progresses. Naturally, there's lots of shooty bang-bang to enjoy as well, plus the occasional immolation and some remotely-operated weaponry, deployable shields, and other such implements of societal resurrection. Hey, sometimes you have to destroy the world in order to save it.
It all looks very pretty, at least as much as dead bodies strung up by their ankles as a warning to interlopers ever looks “pretty,” and while that's a long way from defining it as a good game, our hands-on time at E3 left us cautiously optimistic about the game's future. 
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