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Humans of New York:heartwarming comment from Barack Obama (on pic)

Night Hunter

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This little boy captured the heart of President Obama, so he left a comment on the picture in the hope that the child and his father would see it


US President Obama was so moved by this post on popular Facebook page Humans of New York that he took time from his schedule to write a comment.
The post features an Iranian father and son, with the dad praising his little boy for being a 'humanitarian'.
Humans of New York Facebook page posted
“Today’s his tenth birthday. He’s a very emotional young man. He likes to solve other people’s problems. One time when he was five years old, he came with me to the store and we bought two pounds of fresh apricots. I let him carry the bag home. He walked a little bit behind me the entire way. After awhile, I asked him to hand me an apricot. ‘I can’t,’ he said. ‘I’ve given them all away.’ I knew then that I was raising a humanitarian.”
(Tabriz, Iran)
Many people were touched by the post, and it has been shared over 30,000 times at the time of writing, featuring comments from people all around the world.
President Obama was one such person, leaving a comment praising the child.
He wrote:
When posts by the White House are signed "bo" it signals that they have been written by the President, and not his social media team.
The President Of The United States Of America: Barack Obama.


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Wow hes right the world needs more people like young man, 'Most' people are to caught up in nation war, who's more powerful, who's top dawg etc. When in reality this is the thing that will end the planet everyone says it will be global warming or the sun just explodes, No it will be when humans continue to kill each other instead of trying to maybe figure out if there is another planet that we can shift to and save the human race for many more years. SMH.... Props to this young man none the less.

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Wonderful young man...this is something some people do not have to learn ..what you do for others comes back to you double..an act of kindness will be remembered by the person you helped and they will be inspired to help others

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