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YouTube as you know it is about to change dramatically


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The way you experience YouTube may be dramatically different before the end of the year. According to multiple sources, the world’s largest video-sharing site is preparing to launch its two separate subscription services before the end of 2015 — Music Key, which has been in beta since last November, and another unnamed service targeting YouTube’s premium content creators, which will come with a paywall. Taken together, YouTube will be a mix of free, ad-supported content and premium videos that sit behind a paywall.

With the exception of a few video rentals, YouTube has always been a free, ad-supported service. But the company is about to get serious about subscription services, offering new ways for the users that create videos to make money. While two subscription offerings for the same service might seem odd to some — with one music industry source calling it "strange on top of strange" — YouTube’s thinking was likened to that of a cable company offering different packages for sports and movies.




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I don't really give a shit about if they put a price on music. I can just download it for free off of any torrenting site. But if they start charging me to watch my favourite content creators I'm going to lose my f***ing mind.


YouTube has always been a free service. Even when they started putting ads on videos, it still remained free. I think this is some bullshit executive decision to pad their f***ing wallets.


The entire idea of YouTube is to enable people to create content to watch for free. That's what it is, and has always been. A free to watch platform for content creators. Have they even considered what the content creators think of this? Half of


Pewdiepie's fanbase is 12 year olds, that don't have a dime to their name, let alone $1.99 a month to watch videos. It's already tough enough for most YouTuber's to build an audience that will stick around.


I really hope this is a joke, or if it isn't then this doesn't get implemented. It would go against everything that YouTube was founded upon.



EDIT: Ironic that the post that I think is the f***ing devil turns out to be my 666 post.  Lawl

Edited by Bow_In_Honor
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I looked around a bit.

And I came to this:

Some media say there will some not.

The point is Youtube needs money. Perhaps they will do a cost for watching Music Videos( all Sources say so at least)

I hope they wont!

And if so I am pretty sure that another Movie-player will dominate and will be like youtube ;)

It went so well the last years...


EDIT: Ironic that the post that I think is the f***ing devil turns out to be my 666 post.  Lawl

111 posts :P

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How about they get off their f***ing asses and fix the broken content ID system first?


It's f***ing disgusting that creators can have all monetary rights stripped for a 20 second clip of a game/movie/song etc. The company that matched the content can get profit from a 20 minute long video while the creator who put in all that effort gets none. 


I also doubt they'll put a paywall on creators. What will happen is they will give creators an option to have subscription services in which they will take a cut. But I couldn't care less about this when the bigger copyright issues are still rampant.

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