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Night Hunter

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Dishoroned 2 PAX


At PAX Prime in Seattle, Bethesda’s set up a nice little collection of booths; there’s one for each of the big games they’re showing here. The Dishonored booth stands out as an unusually posh exhibit on an otherwise crowded and jumbled show floor.






Source http://kotaku.com/


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Best Cosplay at PAX Prime 2015







More cosplays at : http://www.gamespot.com/gallery/best-cosplay-at-pax-prime-2015



Gaming PAX


Six Amazing Games on Xbox One Indies Program

Before the show floor at PAX 2015 opened,  up-and-coming indie games at a public Xbox One event. But with dozens of amazing experiences, some old and some new, we only had enough time to spend with a handful of games. Consider this just sampling of the fun indie experiences making their way soon to Microsoft's console.


Knight Squad
The best multiplayer games deftly mix skill-focused gameplay with just the right amount of chaos and chance to make sure things never get too unbalanced. And Knight Squad seems to perfect that balance. A top-down, Gauntlet-like game, Knight Squad's combat is methodical, favoring strategic sword strikes over button-mashing. But crazy power-ups and weapons like bombs, arrows, and drills ensure that even the best players can be taken down. A few times.
The game has a wide assortment of maps and modes, but the version on hand at the Microsoft event focused on capture the flag. You would race to the center of the stage to grab a grail before other enemy knights; the chalice slows you down, but you're still able to fight back. Whoever kills you, gets possession of the grail...and possession of every other players' ire. Frantic, challenging, and fun, we look forward to trying out even more of Knight Squad's couch co-op once it releases.
Zarvot is the game I'd imagine you'd get if if the classic Atari game Combat was re-imagined for modern consoles, but with bigger weapons and more than two colors. The top-down tank combat is almost as simple as its old-school inspiration: move with the control stick, dash with one button, and attack with the other. But the simplicity leads to intense matches whether you're facing off against someone 1v1 or dealing with the chaos of a full, four-person deathmatch.
Below combines elements of several different games: the calculated, risky combat of Dark Souls; the survival and crafting focus of Don't Starve; and the procedural generation of roguelikes. But Below is more than just a sum of its parts, and after playing 20 minutes of its tense combat and careful exploration, I'm convinced Capy's next title is carving out a place of its own. I only explored a handful of its random caverns on my way to the bottom. But I found hidden cave drawings, misshapen concrete keys, and a variety of dangerous monsters that promise countless replays after my initial attempt. 


Mimic Arena
There's a surprising amount of depth to Mimic Arena--although its initial multiplayer deathmatch mode is eerily reminiscent of Towerfall's frantic combat, Mimic Arena's real value lies in its Clone Mode. Essentially, its Capture the Flag with doppelganger teammates. By entering the opponents' base, a clone of my character follows the same exact path I took, and copies my exact actions.
Toward the end, I had a handful of clones following predetermined paths, firing shots at any enemy that might be assaulting me. The dynamics between offense and defense, my actions and those of my clones, made me consider my actions with care, despite the haphazard action unfolding on-screen. It's a compelling idea for a multiplayer game, and a clever twist on the arena shooter.
Comparable to Dark Souls in terms of difficulty and Legend of Zelda in its structured boss fight patterns, Cuphead is a must play. Who wouldn't love a completely hand-drawn game starring a guy with a cup for a head? We went hands-on with the game's two-player mode, and while it makes those over-the-top boss battles a little more manageable, it's still difficult to keep track of your partner among the frenetic action, making it an interesting challenge to split your attention between them and the bad guy. This game isn't just gorgeous, it's cheeky in its cartoony humor, and it's satisfying to suss out attack patterns to take down bosses. 

We Happy Few


is as creepy as it is colorful. You are given a very loose objective, like finding a switch. But what that switch does and where it is, you must find out yourself. You're set loose in a bright, vivid world packed with cobblestone walkways, decrepit houses and eerie made-up people. Everyone is addicted to a drug called Joy, and periodically this white clown-faced civilians will attack you as you sojourn, screaming and clawing and punching. It's deeply unsettling, but the BioShock-esque vibe we get from has piqued our interest. 


Source http://www.gamespot.com/

Edited by Night Hunter
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