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Sicario | trailer


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  • 2 months later...

This is the movie of the year. It was directed breathtakingly close. At the kick off scene we could feel from close up views on main characters faces the tence of the silence, which comes before the storm. And the music score beat the war drums at right pacing heating up the atmosphere, letting us know that situation is going to get really serious soon. It was about the same old story thrown down our throat(or do I have to mention ears?) about fighting the druglords. But it wasn´t usual action movie where good guys won and bad lost. It was more about bad and even worse options in the middle of the streets civilised people even don´t see in their nightmares. The character developmeant let us follow bloody road to the bloody end leaving us wondering in the end how do people cope with such a stress on daily bases. Especially when a herion- who had gunningly high score from before drug heists- turned back into smoking at the very beginning of the mission...


Thrilling movie which kept me nailed to the seat till the very end, with little breaks on the 3 chapters on the movie. Worth to watch in the cinema for the music score and sound effects. That main music score was really catchy tune, familiar and probably used before but still good.

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