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Serious discussion about map SOS_Secret_Weapon


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First things first if you don't know this map here are the map objectives, there is also some embed pictures from the map at the end of this post.


For allies the objectives are:

1 "Steal the secret weapon and deliver it to the drop point at the airplane." 
2 "Build the radio to enable the drop point." 
3 "Capture the forward spawn. Axis can not spawn at flag, only reclaim it" 
4 "Blow up the upper door." 
5 "Blow upp the lower door." 


And axis objectives are:

1 "Protect the secret weapon." 
2 "Stop the radio from being built, and destroy it if is built." 
3 "Capture the forward spawn. Allies can spawn at flag, you can not." 
4 "Protect the upper door." 
5 "Protect the lower door." 


The weird part of this map starts at end of the map, as soon as allied team deliveries the objective to plane. You can see behind the scoreboard, that the plane lands off and goes straight to the wall.

It doesn't crash, it actually goes through the back wall of the map and it magically stops inside the wall, back of the plane still being visible.

The question is that are allied team suppose to help the pilot to kill himself, though what happens to the pilot reveals undefined. Or is this secret weapon something magical which allows planes or anything to go through a solid wall? These are just my theories, I would love to hear what do you think about this.










(I couldn't find better image from that back wall)


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It is just an end of game, just a little 3D mistake from map maker

it's ok in my openion bc it's a game

mistakes could be happened while making the maps especially W:ET bc it's a bad graphics game  

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