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Apple sends its first iCloud alerts notifying users of login attempts


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Apple sends its first iCloud alerts notifying users of login attempts

It's looks like Apple is making good on its promises to ratchet up its iCloud security following a rash of leaked celebrity photos.

Letem Světem Applem, a Czechoslovakian site, caught an Apple email alert asking to confirm if the user accessed iCloud from a new browser. The message seems to be a one-time confirmation that's sent whenever the user or someone else accesses the iCloud account from a new browser.

As with Facebook login activity notifications users will either toss away these messages to their virtual recycling bin or report malicious behavior.

iCloud, iCloud hack, Celebgate, security, hacking, celebrity photo hack, celebrity photo leak, Apple, Newstrack

The support message follows Cook's recent remarks noting that Apple would improve user awareness by sending out email alerts as well as smartphone notification. This latest message coincides with Apple's plans to roll out a new alert system within the next two weeks.

What is it good for?

Ultimately the new alerts won't prevent future hacking attempts but users will be notified much sooner.

As the recent leak of celebrity photos revealed there is a major vulnerability in Apple's cloud service even if the hackers allegedly targeted celebrity accounts. The real problem is no one noticed or said anything until the mass of revealing photos was posted onto 4chan, Reddit and other internet communities.

Now with this new early warning system users will be notified much sooner rather than never. The alerts also allows users to regain control of their accounts, hopefully stopping or tracing the individuals who are breaking in virtually.

It'll be interesting to see if Apple has any new comments to share about the recent attack on iCloud at its iPhone 6 and, very likely, iWatch event tomorrow. Stay tuned to this space for more.

  • Here's hoping iOS 8 will be a bit more secure


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