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Facebook's Slingshot app may take aim at Snapchat later today

Call it a clever bit of hype-building, call it a screw up, but Facebook's Snapchat competitor, Slingshot, made an early appearance on some App Stores last week before vanishing.

But it might be time for Slingshot to make its proper and official debut, with one source telling 9to5mac that today is the day we'll see Facebook roll its app out at some point today.

Remember Poke, Facebook's first attempt at doing the Snapchat thing? Think that but much better. The service will let users send photos and videos - a la Snapchat - to other users, with the option to deface said media with text and drawing.

Sling like you're winning

Perhaps the only real difference is that Slingshot also includes a "react" button that allows users to return an instant snapshot reaction to the latest picture of your friend's lunch.

The app will be completely free when it arrives. The source does say, however, that Facebook may hold back the rollout if it comes up against any last-minute snags.

We dropped Facebook a line but it refused to comment on the story.




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