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Terrain Generator?

a pole

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Hey there, I am looking to start on a new map and utilize some open-air designing, does anyone know a good terrain generator? Using the one in gtk I have really only utilized the bitmap extractor which seemed to offer the most control. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance all.

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for wolf et there aint one, you could try fate, but i prefer to just cut some triangles and do it manually, its much easier and you have full control fate is ok but lacks a way of working on a map with anything other than terrain and that makes it near impossible to line anything up. Also it doesn't keep things on a logical grid and trying to edit it latter is almost as impossible.


best bet IMO is to take a square in grid 9(or what you need) cut it into 2 triangles and group it then clone and rotate/repeat and then move stuff around by vertex, try to keep to the grid from the top and stay away from numbers lower then 4, fuel dump is a good example for seeing what i mean

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