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Define the significance of this image in relation to your company please--



Im going to do more for this project over the weekend. It's been very difficult but not without pleasure. I have a thought of logistics translating to a train crashing against the backside of a shield, leaving one of those imprints, showing the shield stood firm, I'll post some starting images and if any of the other guys want to help I'll gladly email you .psd files, for those able to manipulate photoshop. I may elect to ask some friends of mine on another forum for help with the concept.


Don't like a train or anything crashing. Doesn't give people a good feel. We are protecting there goods.

Define the significance of this image in relation to your company please--

Nothing. Just a political point


Why a train, because of his website, and what they do as a company, and even if it doesn't directly represent their activities, it makes for good symbolism in my head.



Ok Thunder, we don't need it to crash, perhaps something more along the lines of just emblazoned on the shield... Following that same concept, a number of images could replace the train. As well the background is wide open, and there is lots of detail work to be done on the shield and font needs to be looked at still.








This is the roughest of drafts, to gauge reaction on the concept. still need to mess with color and detail


As well, to picture it on a business card perhaps:




anyway, like I said it's wide open.. let's put some direction into focus



Here's one I did for an old business of mine.. As example of what final quality could be





that's not really what i am looking for. I move more trucks than rail and really want the name Shield to stand out. 

Posted (edited)

I don't know. I really liked the idea of the train (should be rig) impression in the shield. Hear me out.


I know you are focused on the shield and that doesn't need to go, but to me, honestly when you posted the link (that's what I go for) I was thinking a computer security company, no rigs.  So shield to me doesn't scream rigs and if I were designing a company logo that would be on everything, I would want people to link the image to the type of business that I have.  '


I really liked what CruelKind suggested. TBH I was stuck; I didn't know what to do with a shield that screamed "we protect and work with rigs and your merchandise."  If the shield was at a diagonal, with the rig's front end impression coming out of the shield, you'd be able to see the side of the rig from the diagonal view. On the trailer you could have "SHIELD" inlayed.


But I see where you are coming from. 

Edited by InfectiousBubbles

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