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Ted x in Cape Town


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Or he is very naive or he is paid to say what he says. Anyway-to base the *knowledge* on *facts* from the newspaper is not the best choice.

Unless I am missing something, he isn't taking knowledge and facts based on a newspaper. That is his whole point, people listen to the news and freak out about something that really isn't something they should freak out about.

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u do miss :)

ok, what part specifically? It is tedx, so I doubt they are basing their findings on what newspapers are saying...

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Everything starting from the first thing he said about apples and the last about zero dead from fukushima. Too much to say and I usually get *mildly irritated* when I talk about things like these. Anyway...ted or not I care little-this brain wash doesnt work on me

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Everything starting from the first thing he said about apples and the last about zero dead from fukushima. Too much to say and I usually get *mildly irritated* when I talk about things like these. Anyway...ted or not I care little-this brain wash doesnt work on me


Unless you have a source that the guy at tedx doesn't have and I do not have, there were no deaths in Fukushima attributed to radiation from the Nuclear plant. Which is what he said. He didn't say that no one died at all, of course people died, but that was from the Tsunami and Earthquake (which is what he said as well)


And I fail to see how any of this is brain washing. 

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ok-i will put it short.

It is the images he shows and text he adds.Both combined together create specific meaning that is not correct and missleading. Most of the info he gives is not a common knowledge (smart arse to use this) -but ppl related to food industry or chemistry know things. Yes you might not know-but info is accessible.


You can get info about radiation in chemistry books like chemistry science. Plenty of pdfs on web (i mean books used by students in unis and colleges). Info related to apples, almonds and bananas is related to food and herbal science. Plenty of info on web. If you are really interested check the use of radioactive isotopes in food industry-hope you will not get shocked XD


Trick is in how information is presented. Frapping-oh geez-really. Radiation-really? Many of 12 mins i saw was his personal opinion about how wrongly ppl think -and look how really all this is not that bad. He even said what position he takes in all this frapping story. So no one died in fukushima-it means safe? Zero death is what matters? What about a quality of life, all disabilities, birth mutations and ppl spending years in pain and suffering as a result of what ever lvls of exposures they received? What about all the waste and pollutions of ocean that spreads with no borders across the globe? And what he shows as a prove? statistics? so ss taken of some web pages -pff..really....ppl live lifes and not statistics and what document tells-reality is different. Ppl are concerned-not scared-this is different. They try to protect things that are fundamentals to any life on this planet-water (frapping story), food and etc. And he presents all this as some sort of paranoia. For him gas is above the life-he even doesnt hide it. No morals here-I see none.  Shame and nothing more .Things have to be lived through-not just *went countries and debated with many ppl*..anyway..i feel I become mildly irritated..i am out for good lol XD

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