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Well, lately I haven't had much time for gaming (preparing for exams and work).

But warframe (no, not warface. That game sucks) kept me playing for max an hour at a time.


Warframe is a free 2 play, third person shooter where you fight against AI (no worries, they aren't completely braindead).

It's not a game to play hours at a time, but it's a good time waster :P.


It's currently in open beta so you can experience some weird bugs (like the friends system not working for 100%).

So did anybody tried it and/or willing to play with me a bit. Start to get bored of playing with pubs ^^.




Get it here: https://warframe.com/



ps. if you are wondering about the business model, well that's a bit odd to explain to people who haven't played the game. Some shit is expensive in the real money shop (like 25dollar), but that isn't a real problem because if you buy that shit you don't have a goal in-game (crafting system and stuff).

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