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Insight that it does not exist suggest that set up section for clan wars, clan against another Admin and Admin - members v. opposing members.


Course is required of persons who shall bring and conclude wars and to arrange timings for the server where it would be maintained. This is a very interesting idea and I think it should be implemented as soon as possible.


Thank you for your attention :)

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the reason it doesn't exist is probably this:




W:ET Scrim

There is no official =F|A= Scrim team.

=F|A= Members, if you want to scrim or matches against another teams, please drop our tags while scrimming and then play so that you don't officially represent our community. Once the match is over, you can always use our tags. We just don't want anyone representing us in any clan scrim/matches, etc.

In our past experience, scrimming/clan wars has always end up with ego war or verbal fights. =F|A= is fun clan where friends play online games together for enjoyment!


source: wiki

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