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Battle Field Fatigue

Anthrax-Army of 1

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Battlefield fatigue


The enemy is getting closer; the fog has settled in, my Observation Post is hidden due to my camouflage. In the distance I hear soldiers squawk for new battlefield strategies. My mind is playing tricks on me; I’m surrounded by the enemy with nowhere to go. How could this occur seeing that I’m in an OP. Did I miss the early triggers while scanning my field of view. I silently charged my weapon only to realize that I am out of ammo. I reached for my ammo pouch to reload and it’s empty. Afraid of dying, I darted from my OP to the rear in hopes to recovery some ammo. The fog is so thick, I found myself in enemy territory. Faced with the option of using my only and last weapon (Grenade) or search for a weapon left behind by my adversary. I didn’t want to face being captured, so that narrowed my option. In the distance I can hear voices, so I pulled the pin, broke out into a full sprint as I entered the small building with an open door, there they were. Amazed and shocked from my hasty entry, they drew their weapons; I released the pin and attempted to fight off as many as I could. Many started to retreat from the sound of the spoon being discharged from the body of the grenade only to realize it was too late. I bowed into a fetal position and waited for the explosion. I knew that I would be taking many with me, for my motto was to make my enemy die for his country, not me die for mind. The sound erupted but no tearing of the flesh, when I noticed my brother standing atop of me yelling for me to wake-up. Boy, what a dream. That’s what 5 hours of none stop playing gets you, Battlefield Fatigue.. Just had to share, hopefully I want get in trouble for it...What's in your battle truck.

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