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Really? But why isn't that point mentioned in the rules?


I never knew of that also until I do my math, though I suck bad in math, maybe Im wrong. But anyway, keep your high scores coming, it's almost Nov and this will KOM for Oct will be locked very soon :) Goodluck yo

  • Screenshots must show the final scoreboard at the end of the map with kills and deaths shown.
  • Please do not post your submission if someone already posted a screenshot with a higher KDR than you.


There is absolutely nothing cumulative in this award. Posting screenshots even though someone already beat you long ago makes everything messy and a lot more complicated than it needs to be.


Congratulations, PiNoY, Aigle, AnG3L, QuoVadiS, JuLeZ', LuCkY13**, =FA=Google and DJ aka GDR DJ.

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