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What do you do when.......


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What do you do when you work hard at something, and get told your not enough? My boss told me I need to pick up the pace, or I will be replaced. :o Weird thing is I had the best production of the whole crew last month, beating a guy who has been doing this for 27 years(only 2 years for me). I had a screw on 1 job, and he got pissed. My screw up turned a 1 day-2 man job, into a 2 day-3 man job. Boss has been having a really rough month, including loosing a family member so I am not talking it to personally. I know he wouldnt get rid of me. None the less it sucks to hear that from someone that you work hard for and look up to, so I took a nice long ride on the motorcycle to kinda ease my mind. Home now gonna listen to some music and maybe get a few frags on ET :P and u???

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To be honest, if you know your putting in better work than the others, and you know your boss is having personal issues, I would just drive on and not let it affect me. If that was your first screw up then dont be bothered by it. Everyone makes mistakes and as long as your fixed it work to not do it again. Remember to just do your best and dont give your boss a real reason to actually terminate you.

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Don't take it personally, It sounds like he is having some rough times and you just happened to be in the line of fire. Shit happens, sometimes I come down on the wrong people if I have some other crap on my mind or my boss is breathing down my neck for results so I have to come down on my staff. I always give a chance for redemption before I make a hasty decision regarding employees. If you are producing good results for the most part I would expect it will blow over.:D The best is too admit the mistake, learn from it and move on.:)

Edited by Fargwire
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Both good suggestions, thanks. Always nice to hear what others have to say from the outside, as it easier for those to see the bigger picture. <3

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