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ET: Map Pirates Beta 4

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ImageImageFirefly veröffentlicht eine Beta 4 Version von seiner schönen Map Pirates - Karibik, Juni 1943. Die Achsenmächte beschützen zwei goldene Kisten in einem alten Seeräuberschiff. Die Alliierten müssen Zugang zum Seehafen gewinnen, beide Kisten vom Seeräuberschiff stehlen und zum Fluchtlastkraftwagen bringen.

ImageFirefly released a beta 4 version of his nice map Pirates - The caribbean, June 1943. The Axis are guarding two gold crates inside an old pirate ship. The Allies must gain access to the seaport, Steal both crates from the pirate ship and secure them at the escape truck.

- Bots could not mount the mg42, fixed now.
- fixed a large gap in the pink house ( near the ship )
- Removed the ladder and upper door at the "flag house".
- Allies now spawn at the east side of the beach.
- Moved the tunnel entrance at the beach away from allied spawn.
- Changed the compile settings - added _bounce 2 - and made the map a bit brighter.
- Added a small path from the tunnel entrance towards the main entrance.
- Fixed the mapcoords so player-icons nolonger disappear from the command map.
- Mines can no longer be placed at the truck area.
- Optimised the map and fixed the hom effect at certain places.
- The rear exit from axis seaport spawn has been made wider.
- Added terrain to the east side of the pirate ship, replacing the small lighthouse.
- Added another ladder to enter the pirate ship from the water.
- Created an iron gate at the tunnel entrance at the old fort.
- Increased the amount of spawns to 32 per team for testing and feedback purposes on larger servers.
- Private version - see beta4 changes.


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