Scream Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 (edited) I couldn't find the topic/tutorial with cvar list etc so I decided to post it in tutorial. I'll post most of the commands and cvars in here. I hope somebody will find this tutorial useful. -activate - Stops issuing +activate command, stop opening doors etc (works on all mods) -attack - Stops issuing command to attack (-"-) -back - Stops issuing command to move backwards -forward - Stops issuing command to move forwards. -leanleft - Stop issuing command to lean to the left -leanright - Stop issuing command to lean to the right -left - Stop issuing command to look further to the left -mlook - Stop +mlook (mouselook), go back to mouse-movement -movedown - Stop issing command to crouch -moveleft - Stop issuing command to strafe left -moveright - Stop issuing command to strafe right -moveup - Stop issuing command to jump -prone - Stop issuing command to go prone -reload - Stops issuing reload command -right - Stops issuing look right command -sprint - Stops issuing sprint command -zoom - Stops issuing zoom command +activate - Performs various actions like opening doors, picking up weapons. +attack - Fires weapon, or uses the weaponbank object currently selected. +back - Move backwards +forward - Move forwards +leanleft - Leans to the left +leanright - Leans to the right +left - Look left +movedown - Move downwards, crouch +moveleft - Strafe/sidestep to the left +moveright - Strafe/sidestep to the right +moveup - Jump +prone - Go prone, lie down. +reload - Reload weapon +right - Look right +speed - Toggle walk/run (depending on what AlwaysRun is set to) +sprint - Sprint +stats - Popup box showing the stats of the player (you, or the guy you’re spectating) +topshots - Popup box showing the players with the best hit:miss for each weapon +zoom - Use binoculars addfavorite - For adding a server to favourites (server browser) autoRecord - Records a demo with descriptive filename autoScreenshot - Takes screenshot, JPG, descriptive filename b_anticheat - Toggles ETPro’s anticheat (etpro) b_antilag - Set your antilag: 0 = none, 1 = Neil Toronto’s antilag, 2 = ETMain b_antiwarp - Toggles code which prevents players ‘warping’ (etpro) b_backupcvars - Wether to save a file of the original value of cvars changed via sv_cvar restrictions (etpro) b_bannerlocation - Location of the text banners (etpro) b_bannern - Use for specifying the text of each banner (etpro) b_banners - Specifies number of server banners (etpro) b_bannertime - Duration each banner is shown for b_brokenlogtimestamps - Only to be used where required for certain logfile analysers. b_campaignFile - Sets name for a campaign file b_chatAlpha - The alpha (transparency) of the background of chat text b_chatFlags - Toggles the team flag on chat text b_cursefilter - Sets which words to filter out b_cursefilteraction - Action to take with filtered words: 1- remove word, 2- ****, 3- filter message b_customVoiceChat - Toggles allowing clients to use ?custom” voice chat. Not custom audio pack. b_cvarempty - Resets all ET Pro cvars to their defaults b_cvarlist - Displays ETPro cvars in console b_damagexp - XP system: 1= 1 XP per 50hp of damage + 1 XP per kill; 0 = ETMain system. b_defaultbantime - Time in seconds for bans without explicitly defined ban time (default 300) b_defaultskills - Sets the skill levels player’s automatically receive b_distanceFallOff - Wether bullets lose some of their hitpoint damage inflicted over long range b_drawclock - Toggles display of the clock (actual time) on the HUD b_drawPromotions - Wether to give popup notification when you get a rank promotion b_drawranks - Toggles displaying ranks on the crosshair name popup b_drawRewards - Wether to display a text & audio notification when you get a skills increase b_drawspectatoralpha - Sets alpha transparency of spectator HUD text (at the bottom of screen when spectating) b_drawspectatorteamflags - Toggles a team flag beside the player’s name on HUD when you are spectating them b_drawspeed - Player speed display on the HUD, for trickjumping. b_ettv_flags - For ETTV ‘master’ server. 1 disallows slaves to be kicked, 2 gives ETTV slaves shoutcaster status, 3 does both. b_fallingbugfix - Toggles the fall damage bugfix (dying after falling from small height) b_fireteamAlpha - The alpha (transparency) of the Fireteam HUD display b_fireteamLatchedClass - Toggle showing latched playerclass instead of rank (fireteam hud display) b_floodMaxCommands - Makes the client only be able to send the specified number of rate-limited commands per 30 seconds. To protect server from flooding. b_goatsound - Wether to play the goat noise on knife kills b_headshot - For ETPro headshot mode b_helmetprotection - Wether damage is reduced for the first headshot received b_hitsounds - Toggles playing a noise when your bullets hit, 0=none, 1=all hits 2=headshots only b_hudYoffset - Moves the HUD on the Y (vertical) axis of the screen b_instagibDamage - Damage done when b_headshot mode’s instagib is enabled b_intermissiontime - Duration the scoresheet is shown for b_intreadypercent - % of clients "ready" to skip intermission countdown and continue to the next map. b_lagometerAlpha - The alpha (transparency) of the lagometer HUD display b_levels_battlesense - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for the battlesense skill b_levels_covertops - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for CovOps skills b_levels_engineer - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Engineer skills b_levels_fieldops - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for FieldOps skills b_levels_lightweapons - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for the Lightweapons skill b_levels_medic - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Medics skills b_levels_soldier - Sets the XP requirements to trigger Levelups for Soldier skills b_logbanners - Toggles server banners also appearing in your console b_logrealtimestamps - Toggles logfiles using actual time or relative time b_mapconfigdirectory - Sets folder name to look for map-specific cfg config files b_mapscriptdirectory - Sets folder name for map b_mapzoom - Sets the level of zoom for the compass in HUD. b_match_warmupjoin - Toggles clients being able to join teams during warmups b_maxMortarPitch - Allows server to limit the effect of the ground’s slope on mortar deployment b_moverscale - Multiplier for the speed of map ?movers” (e.g. Vehicles) b_multiview - Toggles allowing MultiView functionality, which consumes more resources and bandwidth b_muzzleflash - Toggles the weapon 'fire' being displayed (1 - on; 0 - off) b_noskillupgrades - Disables skills upgrades, i.e. The 'skill' improvement rewards from the XP system b_numPopups - Sets the number of ‘popups’ on the HUD, (-1 to n; where -1=default, 0=none, n=number of popups). b_panzerlevelup1 - Toggles the alternate panzer levelling up system b_popupFadeTime - Time it takes for popups to fade (1000 = 1 second) b_popupStayTime - Duration popups remain on screen beforestarting to fade away (1000 = 1 second) b_popupTime - Delay between the event and it’s popup being displayed (1000 = 1 second) b_privatemessages - Minimum number of characters for name matching for private messages. A value of 0 disables private messaging entirely. b_pronedelay - Implements a delay in the client’s proning action b_riflegrenades - Toggles allowing or disallowing any riflegrenades b_semiAdminLevels - Sets number of SemiAdmin levels b_semiAdminPassn - Sets the required password for clients to become semiAdmin. Diff pass required for each b_semiadminlevels b_semiadmincmdsn - Sets the commands available for each semiAdmin level b_shoutcastpassword - Sets password required for special spectator class b_shove - How strong shoves are, 80 default, 0 = disabled b_shovesounds - Togggles playing a noise on player’s being shoved b_showClientCmds - Toggles logging all commands client sends to server. Mostly for logfile analysers b_speedinterval - Frequency of updating the speed shown on the HUD (b_drawspeed) b_statsaver - Wether client’s XP and stats are restored if they exit then return to the server b_stickycharge - Clients’ powerbar refills completely (0) or gradually after suicide (1)/any death (2). b_sv_hitsounds - Toggle allowing hitsounds b_tjl_color - Colour of trickjump line b_tjl_draw - When in trickjump mode, this toggles drawing trickjump lines b_tjl_showmaxspeed - Shows the max speed on trickjump line b_tjl_stepsize - Distance between two points on trickjump line b_votetextscale - Size/scale of the vote text b_watermark - Specify location of the watermark file, if you use one. b_watermarkAlpha - The alpha (transparency) of the watermark HUD display, if the server has one. b_watermarkFadeAfter - Duration before the watermark starts to fade away b_watermarkFadeTime - Duration the watermark image takes to actually fade away b_weapaltReloads - Toggles weapalt reloading b_xpstopwatch - Toggle for making XP remain over stopwatch rounds, XP gained in first round remains in the concluding round. bind - Used for assigning keys to actions bindlist - Displays list of cvars in console bottomshots - Displays the worst aimers Bp - Sends text to all clients to be displayed in the banner area. callvote - Used for starting votes, if you dont want to use the menus Cancelvote - Cancel any vote in progress. campaign - Used for setting the campaign to be played cg_announcer - Toggles the announcer voice on map start ("FIGHT!"), win (Allies win!) etc cg_autoactivate - Toggles automatically picking up items (paks, weapons etc) cg_autoReload - Toggles automatically reloading weapon when clip becomes empty cg_autoswitch - Toggles automatically chaning weapon when current one is out of ammo cg_bloodDamageBlend - Amount of blood flashed on screen when you take damage. Also cg_bloodFlash cg_bloodFlash - Toggles the blood effect when you are shot cg_bloodTime - Duration of blood puddle effect on walls/floor etc cg_complaintPopUp - Toggles wether to show the popup about filing complaints after a TK cg_crosshairAlpha - Sets the transparency of the crosshair cg_crosshairColor - Sets the colour of the crosshair cg_crosshairHealth - Toggles crosshair changing colour to indicate your health cg_crosshairPulse - Toggles the crosshair changing size according to bullet spread cg_crosshairSize - Size/scale of the crosshair cg_cursorHints - Toggles displaying action hint icons when near interactive objects cg_drawBuddies - Toggle showing the icon above players in your fireteam cg_drawCompass - Toggles displaying the compass on the HUD cg_drawCrosshair - Sets which crosshair to use cg_drawCrosshairNames - Wether to draw the names of players when crosshair is on them cg_drawCrosshairPickups - Supposed to toggle a hand icon when crosshair is over items you can pick up. See cg_cursorHints cg_drawFireteamOverlay - Toggles the Fireteam overlay on the HUD cg_drawFPS - Toggles a FPS counter on the HUD. cg_drawGun - Toggles displaying your weapon cg_drawReinforcementTime - Toggles displaying your teams’ respawn timer on the HUD cg_drawRoundTimer - Toggles a countdown of the time left for the current map cg_drawSnapshot - Toggle a display showing snapshot counter cg_drawStatus - The alpha (transparency) of the watermark HUD display, if the server has one. cg_footsteps - Toggles the sound of footsteps cg_fov - Sets the player’s Field of View cg_lagometer - Toggles a connection-related display on the HUD cg_marktime - Duration of bullet marks on walls etc cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch - Toggles wether to change weapon when it is out of ammo cg_noVoiceChats - Toggles the audio of voice chats cg_printObjectiveInfo - Toggle displaying popup message on objective activity, "east radar parts returned" cg_recording_statusline - Move the demo recording text around, 0 to remove. cg_shadows - Toggles display of player model shadows cg_showblood - Toggles showing blood spurt effect cg_stats - Shows the frame number in console cg_swingSpeed - Speed the player model animation turns, after the player turns cg_teamChatsOnly - Toggles only displaying chats from teammates cg_tracerchance - Likelihood of bullet tracers cg_tracerlength - Length of bullet tracers cg_useScreenshotJPEG - Wether autoScreenshot’s are of the JPEG or TGA format cg_voiceSpriteTime - Duration of the ! Vsay indicator sprite above player heads. 1000 = 1 sec cg_wolfparticles - Toggles display of particle effects ? e.g. Explosions, some smoke effects. cg_zoomDefaultSniper - Initial zoom with sniper & binocular, 4 = fully in, 20 = fully out cl_allowDownload - Toggles downloading missing files from the server cl_anglespeedkey - When pressing +left or +right keys, this sets the speed that the view angle turns cl_autorecord - At 1, then it will start/stop recording a demo at the start/end of each match. cl_autoupdate - 1 = Automatic game update checks on launch. cl_avidemo - Writes the specified number of jpeg screenshots each second so you can use software to make a fragmovie cl_downloadName - Stores name of file you’re downloading via the game cl_freezeDemo - Pauses demo playback at 1 cl_guid - GUID of player cl_language - Stores the language of user’s ET. English is 0 cl_maxpackets - Cap for data packet transmissions cl_mouseAccel - Toggles mouse accelleration cl_profile - Stores which player profile is being used cl_punkbuster - Toggles Punkbuster anticheat for client cl_timenudge - Supposed to be for adjusting prediction for your ping. Dont bother, use antilag. cl_wwwDownload - Toggles downloading missing files from a www file server classmenu - Command for opening the class selection menu clear - Empties the console clientinfo - Returns some info about your client in the console, probably also read by server clientkick - For kicking players, mostly used via RCON cmdlist - Lists all the commands in the console com_hunkMegs - Amount of memory (MB) assign to the hunk com_maxfps - Sets cap on the frames per second. 125, 76 and 43 common ‘tweak’ values, as better for jumping. 85 default. com_soundMegs - Sets the amount of memory (MB) to allocate for loaded sound files com_watchdog - Watchdog checks for a map not being loaded com_watchdog_cmd - Sets what to do when watchdog finds a map is not loaded condump - Saves the recent lines in the console into a file, e.g. /condump filename.txt Config - For loading an etpro style .config file: config clanwar to load clanwar.config connect - Used for connecting to a server, /connect cvarlist - Lists all cvars in the console delfavorite - Non-user command for removing a server from favourites demo - For loading a demo for playback: /demo demofilename developer - Enable/disable (1/0) developer mode, allows cheats and so on. devmap - Command for loading a map in developer mode disconnect - Command to disconnect from a server echo - "Echo" the specified text on the screen/console: /echo "blah blah blah" exec - Command to execute the specified file, /exec configfile.cfg follow - For specifying which player to spectate follownext - Spectate the next guy followprev - Spectate the previous guy Forcecvar - Forces the specified cvar to the specified value for all connected client’s. forcvar r_drawfoliage 0 g_autoFireteams - Toggles automatically putting players into fireteams g_axismapxp - Presumably stores how much XP the allied team have earned over the map g_balancedteams - Toggles wether to prevent player’s joining the larger team g_banIPs - Stores which IP’s to ban from the server g_bluelimbotime - Sets the respawn interval for Allies g_complaintlimit - Kick player after this number of complaints g_covertopsChargeTime - Sets the amount of time it takes for CovertOps to recharge powerbar g_doWarmup - Toggles wether to have the warmup period at all g_engineerChargeTime - Sets the amount of time it takes for Engineers to recharge powerbar g_filterBan - Either toggles wether to ban IP’s stored in g_banIPs, or toggles wether to ban or only allow those IP’s. g_friendlyFire - Toggles wether players can damage their teammates g_gametype - Sets the type of game being played, 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign, 5=LMS g_gravity - Sets the strengh of gravity, default 800. g_heavyWeaponRestriction - Restricts heavyweapons and support fire g_inactivity - Duration of player inactivity allowed before kicked g_knifeonly - Only weapon for players is the knife. g_landminetimeout - Wether landmines are removed when the player who laid them disconnects g_log - Sets the name of the server log file g_LTChargeTime - Sets the amount of time it takes for FieldOps to recharge powerbar g_medicChargeTime - Sets the amount of time it takes for Medics to recharge powerbar g_minGameClients - The minimum number of players needed for a round to begin g_needpass - Toggles requiring a password for players to join g_noTeamSwitching - Wether to disallow teams from swapping between teams g_password - Set the password clients will need in order to connect to server g_redlimbotime - Sets the respawn interval for Axis g_soldierChargeTime - Sets the amount of time it takes for Soldiers to recharge powerbar g_spectatorInactivity - Duration of spectator inactivity allowed before kicked g_teamForceBalance - Toggles disallowing players from joining teams with more players g_userAlliedRespawnTime - Sets the respawn interval for Allies g_userAxisRespawnTime - Sets the respawn interval for Axis g_userTimeLimit - Sets the timelimit for the round g_voteFlags - Sets voting options available to players g_warmup - Sets duration of the warmup period before the round begins ignore - Sets a chat ignore on a player/team/all kick - Command for kicking a player kill - Command for making your player kill himself killserver - Command for terminating the server, but leaving et.exe running lock - Command for locking your team, so other player’s cannot join m - Pretext for sending a private message, /m playername message, which will send the message to all players with playername in their name. ma - Sends a message via adminchat. Only admins are able to see it m_pitch - Sets the mouse pitch Mapname - Returns name of map match_latejoin - Togges allowing players to join a match in progress match_minplayers - Sets the minimum number of players before match can start match_mutespecs - Toggles muting spectators match_timeoutcount - Sets the number of times non-REF players on each team can pause the match match_timeoutlength - Sets the duration of pauses/timeouts match_warmupDamage - Toggle friendly fire during the warmup interval mp_fireteamadmin - For sorting FT mp_fireteammsg - Command for text chats to fireteam-mates only net_port - Specify what port to use. Use if more than one instance of ET is running. net_qport - Define the port to connect with, useful for bypassing annoying routers & firewalls nextmap - Start the next map in the rotation password - Used for setting password required for some servers path - Returns the current search paths (.pk3 files and number of files) pause - Pauses/freezes a game in progress, see unpause players - Displays info of connected players, their connection settings etc pmove_fixed - Affects game physiscs quit - Quits the running game, and exits ET completely. r_drawSun - Toggles drawing the image of the sun in the sky r_fastsky - Toggles wether the detailed skybox is drawn or just a basic sky r_flareFade - Duration of flare effect fading r_flares - Toggle flare effect around certain dynamic lights r_flareSize - Size of flare effect around certain dynamic lights r_fullscreen - Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode r_gamma - Sets gamma (form of brightness) level, gamma correction. r_mapoverbrightbits - Set brightness of light on textures r_mode - For setting screen resolution, 4 = 800×600, 6 = 1024×768 r_overBrightBits - Brightness setting r_texturebits - Number of bits for textures, stick to 32 as 16 is hardly better performance. r_wolffog - Enables and disables fog, also restricted by Punkbuster r_znear - Distance for culling objects close to player. Recommended for servers to restrict. rate - Cap on the connection bandwidth to use rcon - Prepend to issue to remote-console rconPassword - Server: used to set the rcon password. Client: Used to login as having RCON authorisation on the connected server ready - Sets player to ready status readyteam - Sets all players on your team to ready status reconnect - Reconnect to the most recent server you tried to connect to record - Starts recording a demo refereePassword - Used to set the password required to achieve REF status/authorisation reflogout - Remove yourself from Ref status reset - Prepend to reset a cvar to it’s default value. /reset cl_maxpackets reset_match - Used (usually by REF) to reset the whole match to beginning Revive - Command to revive the specified player s_mute - Toggle muting, 1 disables all sounds, 0 plays them as normal s_stop - Stops playing any sounds currently playing sa - Shorter version of semiAdmin sal - Shorter version of semiAdminLogin say - Send what follows as global text chat scLogin - Short form of shoutcastlogin scLogout - Short form of shoutcastlogout scores - Shows the scoresheet screenshotJPEG - Takes a screenshot, in lossy-compression JPEG format sensitivity - Used for setting the mouse sensitivity serverinfo - Lists "server info" in the console (same info as in the Server Info menu box). Also, "the serverinfo info string has all the cvars visible to server browsers”" serverstatus - Returns "serverinfo" plus basic player info. set - To set some cvar to the specified value, e.g. /set r_gamma 1 seta - "set & archive" shoutCastLogin - For logging in with password for special shoutcaster spectator type shoutCastLogout - For logging out of special shoutcaster spectator type showip - Returns your IP in console shuffleteamsxp_norestart - Command to shuffleteams by XP, without restarting the round/map snaps - snapshots for server to send you, leave at 20. speclock - Prevents spectating (other than Ref’s or, in ETPro, ETTV & Shoutcasters) of your team. specunlock - Reverses speclock, allows people to view your team. start_match - Used by REF to skip the readyup shenanigans stoprecord - Stops recording a demo. sv_hostname - Sets the name of the server, what shows up in server lists sv_maxclients - Maximum number of clients that can be connected, including private ones sv_maxPing - Disallow clients who try to connect with this ping. Note clients usually have high ping at this point so set very high. sv_maxRate - Cap the maximum rate (bandwidth) a player can use. sv_privateClients - Number of the sv_maxclients slots reserved for clients with the privatePassword. sv_privatePassword - Define the password used for slots reserved for only people with the priv pass sv_punkbuster - Toggle activation of Punkbuster on the server sv_timeout - Duration before disconnecting clients that arent communicating to server at all? sv_wwwBaseURL - Sets the location of www download redirect team - /team r joins axis, /team b joins allies team_maxFlamers - Determines the max number of flamers that can be used on each team team_maxMgs - Determines the max number of mobile MG’s that can be used on each team team_maxMines - Determines the max number of mines available to each team team_maxMortars - Determines the max number of mortars that can be used on each team team_maxPanzers - Determines the max number of panzerfausts that can be used on each team team_maxplayers - Determines the max number of players that can join each team team_maxriflegrenades - Determines the max number of riflegrenades that each team can have team_nocontrols - Toggles disallowing players from having team controls, e.g. /readyteam teammenu - Command opens v-chat style menu to select your class & weapon timelimit - Sets the time limitation for the map timeout - Same as Pause, freezes game, usually so a crashed player can rejoin. topshots - Shows the topshots stats, the most accurate aimers ui_autoredirect - Toggle allowing servers to auto-redirect you to another server when full. unbind - For unassigning commands etc to a specified key. /unbind x unbindall - For unassigning all commands etc from ALL keys. /unbindall unlock - Reverses lock, allows other player’s to join your team unpause - For unpausing paused games. unready - Set’s player to ?unready” status, reverses ready vid_restart - Reloads the video/rendering etc, required for some cvar settings to take actual effect. VoiceChat - See vsay VoiceFireTeamChat - For binding vsay’s to FireTeam members only VoiceTeamChat - See vsay_team vote - Cast your vote – \vote yes ; \vote no vote_allow_antilag - Toggles allowing votes to toggle antilag vote_allow_balancedteams - Toggles allowing votes to toggle balancedteam requirement. vote_allow_cointoss - Toggles allowing votes for cointoss vote_allow_friendlyfire - Toggles allowing votes to toggle friendlyfire. vote_allow_gametype - Toggles allowing votes to change gametype vote_allow_kick - Toggles allowing votes to kick players vote_allow_map - Toggles allowing votes to change map vote_allow_matchreset - Toggles allowing votes to reset match. See reset_match, vote settings vote_allow_mutespecs - Toggles allowing votes to mute spectators vote_allow_muting - Toggles allowing votes to mute individual players vote_allow_nextmap - Toggles allowing votes to skip to the next map in rotation vote_allow_referee - Toggles allowing votes to assign someone as Ref. vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp - Toggles allowing votes to shuffle teams vote_allow_swapteams - Toggles allowing votes to swap teams vote_allow_timelimit - Toggles allowing votes to change the map timelimit vote_allow_warmupdamage - Toggles allowing votes to toggle warmup damage vote_limit - Sets maximum number of votes allowed per map vsay - Prepend for issing global voice-chats, /vsay hi vstr - Identifies what follows it as a variable string, used for scripting weapalt - Selects alternative use of currently selected weapon weaplastused - Selects the last weapon that was used weaponbank - Selects the specified weapon, /weaponbank 5 weaponstats - Gives your stats for each weapon (in console) fs_basepath - Holds the logical path to ET install folder fs_game - Sets the mod to load, used for startup command g_alliedmapxp - Presumably stores how much XP the allied team have earned over the map? g_alliedmaxlives - Sets the maximum number of lives available to the Allied team g_alliedwins - Presumably stores the allied team’s wins for campaign map/deciding overall winner g_antilag - Toggles antilag, better for high ping players. Like I said at the beginning, I hope somebody will find it useful. Edited March 30, 2018 by Fearless Staff 1 Quote
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