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I got some issues on et:

how can i open the console?

Where's located my profile folder?

Why et doesn't read maps from et win2 folder?

To add bots is the same was as in win2?

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Click the key left to 1, that's how I do it in my computer.


Programm Files > Wolfenstein Enemy Territory > (Choose Mod) > Profiles


Check the topic title, it say Et&Ubuntu i'm running Et on ubuntu.

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About the console.


You can bind /toggleconsole to some key. In silEnT you can also give the command in chatbox. Like all other client commands.

I recently installed Et in ubuntu, i can't open console in game, also i can't edit any cfg coz i don't find it or i need connect to any server to create my profile folder and cfg?

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Ops, I wasn't reading carefully enough. Anyway, writing to chatbox will also work.


The profile folder will be created to each mod you play. By default you have it in etmain since there aren't other mod folders yet.


Since I started, though I wasn't too helpfull, I'll add some guesses here. It's been years since I last time played on Linux so I don't remember the file setups there. I would search for a hidden folder '.etwolf' under your home folder. I don't know, but maybe they are there. You can see the hidden folders (folders that have '.' in front of their names) with 'ls -al' shell command. Command 'cd' will automatically take you to your home folder.



Added the "I" wasn't reading... To remove ambiguous meaning. Added ",though I wasn't ..." for same reason.

Edited by ge_f
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Ops, I wasn't reading carefully enough. Anyway, writing to chatbox will also work.


The profile folder will be created to each mod you play. By default you have it in etmain since there aren't other mod folders yet.


Since I started, though I wasn't too helpfull, I'll add some guesses here. It's been years since I last time played on Linux so I don't remember the file setups there. I would search for a hidden folder '.etwolf' under your home folder. I don't know, but maybe they are there. You can see the hidden folders (folders that have '.' in front of their names) with 'ls -al' shell command. Command 'cd' will automatically take you to your home folder.



Added the "I" wasn't reading... To remove ambiguous meaning. Added ",though I wasn't ..." for same reason.

Don't worry, to see hidden folders the best is do ctrl+h, so you think there's a folder hidden, i need check, i'm working on my win2 partition replying from my celphone, when i check i'll tell you what happened.

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Check the topic title, it say Et&Ubuntu i'm running Et on ubuntu.



That's why I thought strange you didn't know ! :lol:




The installer will create a menu entry called Applications->Other->enemy-territory. You can either use this as it is, or put it in a more sensible location (such as Applications->Games->Enemy Territory) with the Alacarte Menu Editor which you can find in Applications->Accessories or System->Preferences->Main Menu.






About the console


r_fullscreen 1

set r_fullscreen 1

seta r_fullscreen 1


Do that and type ~ to open.

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That's why I thought strange you didn't know ! :lol:




The installer will create a menu entry called Applications->Other->enemy-territory. You can either use this as it is, or put it in a more sensible location (such as Applications->Games->Enemy Territory) with the Alacarte Menu Editor which you can find in Applications->Accessories or System->Preferences->Main Menu.






About the console


r_fullscreen 1

set r_fullscreen 1

seta r_fullscreen 1


Do that and type ~ to open.


I recently installed Et in ubuntu, i can't open console in game, also i can't edit any cfg coz i don't find it or i need connect to any server to create my profile folder and cfg?

You need read whole topic.

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  • Clan Friend

- to open the console in linux, if you don't have an american keyboard, you need to find the key, it will probably be alt+some other key near enter (just guessing)

you can bind toggleconsole to another key, but then you won't be able to close it after you open it.

edit: nevermind, you can't even open it, if you are not playing a map (e.g. main menu)


- your et folders are in 2 places:

1. /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/ (this is the installation folder)

2. ~/.etwolf/ (that is, your home folder, .etwolf is a hidden folder) here you find your profile


- if you want to read maps from your win installation, you need to use the same etmain folder for both. I keep a separate et installation for win and linux, but I guess that if you have the win partition mounted, you could create a symlink to that folder so you are actually using the windows folder, I don't know if it will work or not.


Or maybe you can make a bind mount in your /etc/fstab (for example I have my et folder in another partition, so when I clone my linux, I don't have to clone all those big pk3s, but I have that folder binded to ~/.etwolf in /etc/fstab)


example line in fstab:

/media/somepartition/ETWOLF   /home/username/.etwolf none	bind  0  0


my real ~/.etwolf is empty

Edited by SunLight
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but then you won't be able to close it after you open it


Thats true. I didn't think of it through. The console is of course capturing all the key presses and binds will not work. Manually using the /toggleconsole will still work of course.

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To open console in ubuntu is with ^(right side of p).

Now that what i tried before, copy all those big maps, but doesn't work, could be better do a link as you said, do you know the consola command, my win2 is in other partition /media/drive_c\program \files\wolfenstein...?

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  • Clan Friend

I think that you should try if everything works ok, before attempting to do more complex things, so make sure your et is installed correctly.

Try to open a map locally (example, from the main et menu /devmap goldrush). If et works, then you can worry about sharing stuff with your windows install. If it doesn't work even if you copy the files, then you have another problem.


If you want to share your folder with your windows installation, there are a couple of things to consider:

1. I think pb folder shouldn't be shared, I am not sure about this, I don't know if those files are the same for win and linux, but I wouldn't share it.

2. your windows partition should be always mounted, so you should put it in your /etc/fstab


ok, so (note that I use Fedora, not Ubuntu, but it should be ok):


to add windows to fstab:

(skip this if it's already mounted and you don't wanna change it, but remember that win must be mounted or et will fail)


# id (shows your user's uid and gid) (it should be 1000)


# sudo su (you need to be root)

# blkid

note the UUID you have for the windows partition. or check the device for your windows partition (e.g. /dev/sda1). (you can also do fdisk -l)


create a directory in /media

# mkdir /media/windows (or any name you like)



edit /etc/fstab (with vi, nano, or whatever editor you want) maybe *make a copy* first.


add a line like this, at the end:

/dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

(instead of /dev/sda you can use the UUID you got with blkid, like UUID=blabla etc. etc. then /media etc.)


if you want to change your locale, check the ones available with

# locale -a


also check if uid and gid are correct (I think for Ubuntu it's 1000 for default, but I have no idea)


save fstab, then do

# mount -a


your windows partition should be mounted, skip all this if it was mounted already... check that it's mounted as read-write, i.e. you can write files on it with your normal user, and not root.

- now you can do 2 things:

1. link, or

2. bind mount from fstab together with the other mount for the win partition


rename your etmain folder (the one in ~/.etwolf) to etmain.copy, to keep it safe in case you want to use it from linux only.



2nd option, mount bind:

- create (from your user) an etmain folder in your ~/.etwolf (the original one was renamed, see above)

then (as root):

# mount --bind /media/windows/Program\ Files/Wolfenstein etc.etc./etmain /home/yourusername/.etwolf/etmain

then check /etc/mtab and put that line in fstab, to make it permanent (it will be something like:

# cat /etc/mtab

[other lines...]

/media/windows/Program\040Files/Wolfenstein etc.etc./etmain /home/yourusername/.etwolf/etmain none rw,bind 0 0


put that line at the end of /etc/fstab, then do again mount -a


1st option, link (not from root):

1. rename etmain in ~/.etwolf to something else... like etmain.copy, as I said before.

$ cd ~/.etwolf

$ ln -s /media/windows/etc. etc. /Wolfenstein\ -\ Enemy\ Territory/etmain ./etmain (that is, the 1st folder is the windows one, the second is the fake)


now if you go to ~/.etwolf/etmain you will see the same files you have in windows.


if you want to to remove the link:

$ unlink etmain


that folder will disappear. then you can rename etmain.copy back to etmain and your linux et will be as it was before.


I hope it was all clear, I quickly tested it, and it seems to work. If some other forum member is knowledgeable in ubuntu / linux, and I made some linuxnoob mistakes, any comment is appreciated.


edit: this shares only etmain, so you have all the maps, but maybe you need to share all the other mods folders, anyway you have a general idea

Edited by SunLight
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