About This File
mapListFile = "/home/server/nitmod/maplist.txt" -- Absolute path to the map list file
shownextcmd = "?next" -- Command that will be used to print the next map
chatInterval = 5 -- Delay, in minutes, between every automatic nextmap announce in the server chat
useBanners = 1 -- If set to 1, enable nextmap announce in server banners (i.e: 'bannerCvar' will be set to 'bannerMsg')
bannerCvar = "g_msg1" -- Define which banner will hold the "next map is ..." message
bannerMsg = "^9Next map is ^2%s^9." -- Banner message template (%s will be replaced by the name of the next map)
chatMsg = "^9Next map is ^2%s^9." -- Chat message template (%s will be replaced by the name of the next map)
CHATCMD = "chat" -- Chat command (use "b 8" to run this script on ETPro)