Howdy y'all, I know it's been a few days since i last posted. I have been both extremely busy and quite tired after work. Anyhow, this is whats been up: a friend of mine is pregnant, a buddy just returned from deployment, a divisional dinner tonight at Sushi King in Norfolk, and still no real progress on the healing of my leg. I'm being referred to Orthopedics for MRI's and further testing/therapy. Also, i took it upon myself to become a better individual by enrolling in telecom style anger management. I'm starting to see a change for the better. I've been playing INS again which is a nice switch from the DOI and Stellaris binge I've currently been on. Finding a lot of non clan regulars who think its awesome we as members jump in alongside them and play. It's very fun to answer their questions and listen to their feedback about how our servers are their favorite hands down. Talk about a good feeling! So, this post, its for all of yall that make it possible to game on such well maintained servers and allow so many people a great friendly environment in which to be themselves and enjoy these awesome games. Lastly, I would like to thank all of the Veterans, Active Duty, and Reservists for their service. Tomorrow is Veterans Day in the States, and Remembrance Day in Canada. For those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, risk that sacrifice, and support your country and your familys, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm proud to serve alongside you all whether it be for the Stars and Stripes, or the Red and White, thank you. Take care folks i'll see you on the servers
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