Solemn Friday
So, as yall know by now I dont exactly have the most favorable working hours. Lately I've gone beyond the call so-to-speak and put in extra hours to help the division get prepared for upcoming maintenance and evolutions. Well all that hard work and extra time was thrown away and credited to someone who didn't do a single thing. Those in the division proceeded to berate me, saying I haven't done anything and im just using my injury for personal gain/getting out of work. After a day like today I really didnt want to be around anyone. Feeling this kind of neglect from people you are supposed to lay your life down for is just overwhelming. It almost broke me. How can I justify sacrifice for someone so ungrateful? The days go on. Tomorrow is most likely another working day. I really dont know if it is or isn't. I walked out of work without finding out. I'll show up when I show up tomorrow. The leadership is even blaming me for stuff I wasn't even present for, its stuff that occurred while I wasn't even on base, instead I was at my Temporary duty location. Just goes to show, a toxic command climate and incompetence is ever present. I cannot wait to leave this boat for good and get out of this waste of a Navy. I just want a life again. What I have now is just meaningless existence. A life isnt something you wake up one morning asking why i choose to put myself through this ordeal. A life doesnt make you question every decision that lead you to this point. A life is freedom and happiness. That of which I haven't had in so long, it's only a faint memory... Goodnight.
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