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Merry Christmas & [Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2021 FINAL VOTING

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones!   Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2021.   As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2021 (#TBMOTY21)   The voting is going to end with the year, so no more vote


JoNny in TrackBase News

Map of the year 2021 (pre-voting)

Hello TrackBase community!   As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2021   As you might already know from last year, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones.  So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we wa


JoNny in TrackBase News

TrackBase Developers API Library

A new PHP package has been released by TrackBase. Anyone who wants to fetch data from TrackBase but did have problems with cURL requests, we got you. With the new library you can now make API calls with just two lines of code. All necessary information is placed inside the README file and you can easily integrate it in your project with composer or a manual autoloader. Check it out at: https://github.com/trackbasenet/dev-api   Disclaimer: A developer account is required for making API c


JoNny in TrackBase News

Merry Christmas & [Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2020 FINAL VOTING

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones! Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2020. As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2020 (#TBMOTY20) The voting is going to end with the year, so no more votes will be counted after 2020-1


JoNny in TrackBase News

[Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2020 (pre-voting)

Hello TrackBase community!   As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2020   As you might already know from 2018, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones. So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we want t


JoNny in TrackBase News

TrackBase 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Dear members, guests and tracking enthusiasts,

Dear members, guests and tracking enthusiasts, TrackBase is becoming 10 years old today. Paul van der Knaap had published TrackBase as a better tracking alternative on 10th October 2010. A lot has changed since then - except for one: Our love to Enemy Territory and FarCry, and TrackBase of course! 😄 Following changes have been implemented: [ET] Changed the clan ranking method: The rating from all players is taken into account now. [ET] Support for Server UR


JoNny in TrackBase News

TrackBase Beta Program 2020

Dear community, Today I am announcing to you our beta program. TrackBase is seeking users and enthusiasts of its platform and supported games to join together in a team where new ideas will be brought up, discussed and realized. I encourage you all to think of something that you would like to see on TrackBase or report things that shouldn't be kept in future versions. As we are approaching our ten-year-anniversary we as TrackBase want to give back to all the users of our platforms wh


JoNny in TrackBase News

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