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4 years in a great F|Amily.

I thought I would make a new blog on a followup on my old one a few years back because now I'm active for good this time.   I once joined this clan because it was a big ET community, very friendly. I was once an ET F|A member. Eventually I discovered other games such as COD4 and TF2, and eventually I volunteered to become a TF2 member!   It has been a great number of years and it will only continue to grow. I feel as if I don't know many of the new people coming in so this will be a great op



One full year into F|A

I'm not going to be technical but it's close enough to say I've been in F|A for one year.   I first started out as a ET addict searching servers and by some miracle I found the F|A servers. Now after a few weeks of play, I registered for the forums and would soon apply, at first it was slow and not many took an interest in me, but after 1-2 months I was put into trial status.   About 2-3 months later of hard work and foruming I was promoted to ET Member. Within the summer months of 2011 thou



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