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  1. Ahh okay I understand u know. U wanted to know the teams balance all the time. About score thing, I think faster after first teams counting which probably u would do via /score or /players command (second is easier i think) which be just registring "joining Axis/Allies/Spectator" and changing counter (with spectator again /players and parsing). So generally problem is this logfile. I am wondering where this data is kept when et.exe is working and if they can be copied to some .txt file. But I find out another way, don't test it but there is command /condump which saves ur console on ur demand in file of ur choice in mod folder. U can bind this command to one key and make script which will force this binded key to execute /condump and then script will open file and parse text, saves data and change what needs to be changed in cfg files then close file. Lets say bind will be executed in 10s intervals or 5s intervals. There won't be much text so parsing will be really fast and script will update team info per 5/10 seconds. Ofc next condumps commands rewrite file (if name is the same). As I said I don't try this method but I think this work without closing game and I think before it rewrite old file, it first cleaned, if not it would be impossible coz we can end with file containing data from 2 different intervals. What you think? Sorry for my english, but it's late and I am in a hurry. #EDIT: bind would like this: >bind x "players; wait 1; condump file_name"
  2. Hmm you make me to think about it a little. There is something like etconsole.txt file which is created when you toogle /logfile "1".It store all your console data/, ofc without breaks everything in one line but good script would find necessery data. One problem is that whole data is stored after game closing if I understand it well. Second problem is no matter which code language you will use to write script which would search for special text and executing file which will do something as a reaction for it (for example clicking some button which is binded to executing it) you can't execute script from ET you will have to execute it as a different program. I don't know if it would be possible to make lua script and attach it from player side to the game, coz these script are server side scripts even when ETPro/NQ mods are supporting LUA. So in summary: - logfile is created after closing game - in logfile there aren't onscreen messages, only this what was in console (usually text about unbalanced teams is displayed on screen) and I don't know if you can switch it to console, I don't think so, coz it also is server side message. - script what you will have to create wouldn't be (probably) connected with et game client, but just different program which will affect et game. And generally even if first 2 points would be possible to get trough them, with 3rd point it start to be a bit too complicated for normal ET player. Making it just for myself is stupid, if I would create something like that I would share with it with others. But I don't think many people will download additional script to have magnificient class selector script which would work no matter of situation. Maybe you have more ideas or something what I wrote above is not true? EDIT: wait x; don't block anything. This command stop the executed line for x FPS, and during the wait period it trigger action which will be made during this period, so for example if you u will make wait 1000 and start shooting, u will shoot to end of wait period - something like that, but in case of low duration 10-25 you wouldn't be able to do anything.
  3. Ye there isn't if-statement which would let you implement everything, ofc in much harsh way but if-statement can work as for/while/switch etc. But I think there isn't such thing coz of logical conditions in syntax of this statement, how to deal with it without introducing dozens of additional commands.
  4. I am scripting, Just never used it. But read about it for while. I don't think it is easy to make decent script to work properly on every map (where are 2 spawns and where are 5).
  5. Those things I already know. I wanted to script decide if joining team is possible or not. This is player script so can't use admin commands or lua scripts from server side. Silly thing... My script is really huge, it let you choose team/both weapons and adjust the configurations of sharing informations on chat (class/weapons/team/voice etc.) I am sad there is no tool for it :/ EDIT What are spawnpoints?
  6. I am working on class selector script for NQ server. My qeustion is there anyway to check if joining to team is impossible. I mean script offer u way to change team but script won't know if team are balanced and if u will be able to change team. Anyway to make an exception here and there just isn't such tool from player side?
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