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Thanks! I would say ideally 6-32 players. I would not probably go much higher than 40 live players, but it was never really tested that high. With bots maybe more is possible. Maybe you can find out?
Hey, A new map by SM-Mapping - Sage and Pegazus! Over a years exclusive testing and four versions later it is time to unleash this great map. We are releasing this as Beta 1 version, but it feels like final. The Download comes with fully featured advanced Omibot waypoints! Story: After the attack at Capuzzo Airport, the Axis engineers have moved their engineering project to an underground base in Arta, Greece. With the surrender of the Italian government, the German forces are most likely to withdraw to the north and carry on their super plane project in mainland Germany. This is the last chance for Allies to stop the Axis super plane project. If Allies lose this battle then Luftwaffe will dominate the skies once again. Objective for attacking team: Allies: 1] Cross the Bridge. 2] Breach the Underground Base Main Door. 3] Destroy the Plane Prototype. 4] Destroy the Jet Engine Prototype. 5] Steal their Project Files! Use the Command Post to transmit it. 6] Establish a Command Post. 7] *Secondary* Destroy the Generator to cut power from Dam sidedoor. 8] *Secondary* Blow a secondary route through an Air Inlet. 9] *Secondary* Construct an Assault Ramp to weaken Axis Choke point. Screenshots: Full Readme: //===================================================================================================>>> // Mapname : Arta B1 // BSPname : arta // Released: February 2018 // Version : First Beta (Fourth Version) // // Map made by: -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping // // Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ splashdamage.com/forums (prefered) // Contact Pegazus : Pegazus @ splashdamage.com/forums // SM-Mapping site: *Not active* //===================================================================================================>>> Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc. ======================================================= Story: After the attack at Capuzzo Airport, the Axis engineers have moved their engineering project to an underground base in Arta, Greece. With the surrender of the Italian government, the German forces are most likely to withdraw to the north and carry on their super plane project in mainland Germany. This is the last chance for Allies to stop the Axis super plane project. If Allies lose this battle then Luftwaffe will dominate the skies once again. ======================================================= Objectives: Allies: 1] Cross the Bridge. 2] Breach the Underground Base Main Door. 3] Destroy the Plane Prototype. 4] Destroy the Jet Engine Prototype. 5] Steal their Project Files! Use the Command Post to transmit it. 6] Establish a Command Post. 7] *Secondary* Destroy the Generator to cut power from Dam sidedoor. 8] *Secondary* Blow a secondary route through an Air Inlet. 9] *Secondary* Construct an Assault Ramp to weaken Axis Choke point. Axis: 1] Prevent the Allies from crossing the Bridge. 2] Prevent the Allies from entering the Underground Base. 3] Protect the Plane Prototype. 4] Protect the Jet Engine Prototype. 5] Protect the Project Files. Do not let them Transmit it! 6] Prevent Allies from establishing a Command Post. 7] *Secondary* Don't let them destroy Generator to cut power from Dam sidedoor. 8] *Secondary* Stop them from entering the Base through an Air Inlet. 9] *Secondary* Don't let them construct an Assault Ramp. ======================================================= Disclaimer: We can not be held responsible for anything. ======================================================= Credits: One or more textures on this map have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information. Avoc For a flower and a crate texture Rayban For an alpha tree texture ======================================================= Map testing: //////Big thanks to testing ///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback! Members and players from: {WeB} Clan http://webclan.freeforums.org/ UJE Clan http://www.ujeclan.com/ Ets| Community http://enemyterritory-stuff.net/ Special thanks to: GANG$TA from {WeB} Clan Dogster from {WeB} Clan Niek from [UJE] Clan Kate from Ets| Community ======================================================= Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder. Uninstallation: Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder. ===================================================== Changelog: Second test: -Axis First Spawn moved closer to River -Side route to the hill with an assault ramp -CP on the hill -Documents inside the base, transmit with CP -Remove third prototype dynomiteable -Objective info stuff Third Test: -Added a generator at dam to limit using the dam side entrance. Destroying generator opens the door. -Added door to block Allies from using base entrance near Axis spawn -Allies capture spawn 1 spline earlier -Warnings when entering base/dam -Bug fixes -Details Download map and waypoints
Hey! After several years of developing, balancing and testing Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping are proud to release this unique map! The map download includes advanced omnibot waypoints. This map is released as first beta to hear wider feedback, but it feels like final. Enjoy! Story: In the year 1941 a group Italian archaeologists found a buried stash of ancient writings. One of the documents mentioned a lost mythology. It stated if an army chief used three charmed artifacts, his fighters would become invincible. These artifacts were the unstoppable Achilles' Sword, the impenetrable King's Crown and the Emperor's Chalice that gives drinkers bulls' strength. Another legend tells about an Empress bragging about similar items. The archaeologists believe the items are same and their secret unknown. A group of Axis soldiers is sent to inspect the Empress' old Palace at The island of Corfu. Objective for attacking team: Axis: 1] Escort the SdKfz 234 2] Breach the Palace Gates 3] Steal the Emperor's Chalice 4] Steal the Achilles' Sword 5] Steal the King's Crown 6] Escape with the SdKfz 234 7] *Side Objective: Destroy the Tunnel Door 8] *Side Objective: Establish a Command Post to gain Spawn Screenshots: Download from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Full readme: //===================================================================================================>>> // Mapname : Kerkyra B1 // BSPname : kerkyra // Released: December 2016 // Version : Beta 1 //Version 8 // // Map made by: -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping // // Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ splashdamage.com/forums (prefered) // Contact Pegazus : Pegazus @ splashdamage.com/forums // SM-Mapping site: *Not active* //===================================================================================================>>> Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc. ======================================================= Story: In the year 1941 a group Italian archaeologists found a buried stash of ancient writings. One of the documents mentioned a lost mythology. It stated if an army chief used three charmed artifacts, his fighters would become invincible. These artifacts were the unstoppable Achilles' Sword, the impenetrable King's Crown and the Emperor's Chalice that gives drinkers bulls' strength. Another legend tells about an Empress bragging about similar items. The archaeologists believe the items are same and their secret unknown. A group of Axis soldiers is sent to inspect the Empress' old Palace at The island of Corfu. ======================================================= Objectives: Axis: 1] Escort the SdKfz 234 2] Breach the Palace Gates 3] Steal the Emperor's Chalice 4] Steal the Achilles' Sword 5] Steal the King's Crown 6] Escape with the SdKfz 234 7] *Side Objective: Destroy the Tunnel Door 8] *Side Objective: Establish a Command Post to gain Spawn Allies: 1] Stop them from escorting the Vehicle 2] Defend the Palace Gates from being breached 3] Stop them from stealing the Emperor's Chalice 4] Stop them from stealing the Achilles' Sword 5] Stop them from stealing the the King's Crown 6] Stop them from escaping with the Vehicle 7] *Side Objective: Keep the Tunnel Door intact 8] *Side Objective: Prevent Axis from establishing a Command Post Spawn ======================================================= Disclaimer: We can not be held responsible for anything. ======================================================= Credits: http://www.cgtextures.com "One or more textures on this map have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information." Avoc For a flower texture Rayban For an alpha tree texture GANG$TA For great bot files Achillion Palace For welcoming visitors Sage's Camera For working while needed Sage's parents For paying the holiday so many years ago ======================================================= Map testing: //////Big thanks to testing ///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback! Members and players from: {WeB} Clan http://webclan.freeforums.org/ Dark Alchemy Community http://www.dark-alchemy.com/ UJE Clan http://www.ujeclan.com/ Bunker Community http://bunker.aaxxss.com/ Ets| Community http://enemyterritory-stuff.net/ Special thanks to: GANG$TA from {WeB} Clan Dogster from {WeB} Clan Old-Owl from DA Community Niek from [UJE] Clan o-0._.0-o from |>B<| Community Kate from Ets| Community ======================================================= Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder. Uninstallation: Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder. ===================================================== Changelog: Concept2: -World First Playable: -Removed Flag from city -Added Vehicle -Made the gate not dynomitable FP2: -New route into palace (basement) -Tank blows a hole in the wall -Tank takes 2 nades to damage -New Health and ammo at the tunnels -Allies spawntime 10->15 -Timelimit 20->30 -Better signs -Objective not stealable before gate is blown -Changed some doors (force open etc.) FP3: -Timelimit split -> 20+10 -Tunnel door charge 1->0.75 -Moved Barriers FP4: -Added Axis CP at tunnel (active once gates are blown) -Moved tunnel door to the wine cellar -Moved tank start point closer to spawn -Removed timelimit split. Remove // to re-enable -Spawnpoint for Allies at the tunnel (until gate is blown) -Once Axis starts escaping Allies reclaim tunnel spawn FP5: -More varied bot files -Locations -Clipping and easying travelling -Small tweaks, cosmetics and optimisations -LMS script -Removed 60 entities for performance -Improved some routes and spawn exits -Changed Barrier #1 area for better coverage + new route -Added balcony MG and 3rd floor health&ammo for better defence B1: -Improved bot files -Allies regain tunnel spawn 1 spline earlier -Clipped some walls -Random minor fixes -Attempted improving of FPS at Barrier 2 area
Second Beta version of Point Xmas is released! Changelog: point.bsp B2: -Stars appear faster, every 20-35 seconds -Fixed bouncepad -Added following Star rewards: 1st Star: Gain Mine free zone near enemy flag! 2nd Star: Gain Attack Bouncepad! 3rd Star: Gain Health and Ammo Cabinets! 4th Star: Gain Extra Sleigh rides! 5th Star: Gain Escape Bouncepad! After 5 Stars: Clear Landmines around enemy flag! Merry Christmast!
Merry Christmas! Here is a new Xmas themed map. It comes packed with 3 versions; Regular, a totally new wave based team deathmatch objective mode and Last man standing. The download site includes Omnibot waypoints! Objectives for both teams in regular version: 1] Steal the Enemy Flags (Max 5). 2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Prevent the enemy from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect 3 stars to gain a bounce pad Screenshots: Download from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Full Readme: //===================================================================================================>>> // // !The map has 2 different BSP files! // // Mapname : Point Xmas B1 OR Point Xmas TDM B1 // BSPname : point OR point_tdm // Released: December 2016 // Version : Beta 1 // 4th version // // Map made by: -SSF-Sage from SM-Mapping // // Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ splashdamage.com/forums (prefered) // SM-Mapping site: http://www.hot.ee/smmapping/ //===================================================================================================>>> Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc. ======================================================= Story: It is the Point Break! Steal the enemy flag or kill them! Honor shall be given to the team that hoard the most points! ======================================================= !!The map comes with 3 version!!! point.bsp _________ Objectives: Allies: 1] Steal the Red Flags. 2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect stars Axis: 1] Steal the Blue Flags. 2] Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Central House. 3] Set up a Command Post inside the Central House. ***Bonus: Collect stars point_tdm.bsp _____________ Objectives: Allies: 1] Steal the Red Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point. Axis: 1] Steal the Blue Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point. point.bsp / LMS version _______________________ Objectives: Everyone: 1] Survive! ======================================================= Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder. Uninstallation: Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder. ======================================================= How to play: Regular: g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign /callvote map point Team Deathmatch: g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign /callvote map point_tdm LMS: g_gametypes 5=LMS /callvote map point or /callvote map point_tdm ======================================================= Disclaimer: We can not be held responsible for anything. ======================================================= Credits: One or more textures on this map have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information. Pegazus Big amount of textures, models and prefabs etc. are made by Pegazus and SM-mapping [UJE]Niek Xmas themed prefabs, horse model Loffy, Drakir and 2bit Xmas themed prefabs ======================================================= Map testing: //////Big thanks to testing ///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback! Special thanks to: Niek Kate o-0._.0-o GANG$TA ===================================================== Changelog: point.bsp B1: -Snowmen give ammo -Command post for charge speeds -Turned bases into houses -Move flags out of bases -More cover at bases -Bouncepad for collecting 3 stars
Thanks guys!
Hey! A new map by SM-Mapping - Sage and Pegazus! After over a year of testing and balancing the map it is time to release this exciting map! The map download includes advanced omnibot waypoints. This map is released as first beta to hear wider feedback, but it feels like final. Enjoy! Story: Allied intelligence have found out about Axis testing V2 missile in one of their Submarines. While the missile could be launched underwater it would be devastating to New York, London and other Allied Capitals. A group of Allies special forces are sent to sabotage the mission and use the Axis weapon against theirselves. Objective for attacking team: Allies: 1] Escort the M8 Greyhound to the road facing their Headquarter 2] Destroy their Anti-Tank Gun 3] Destroy their Tank Barrier 4] Breach the Headquarter Entrace with the M8 Greyhound 5] Send a false command for the Axis U-boat to come to port 6] Steal the V2 Launch Code and secure it into the U-boat Controls 7] Construct a V2 launch hack at the U-boat Controls 8] Launch the V2 missile from the U-boat Controls Screenshots: Download from Enemy-Territory-Stuff Download from Upload.ee Full readme: //===================================================================================================>>> // Mapname : River Port B1 // BSPname : river_port // Released: November 2016 // Version : Beta1 /// 7th Version // // Map made by: -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping // // Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ splashdamage.com/forums (prefered) // Contact Pegazus : Fruity12 at hot dot ee // Pegazus @ splashdamage.com/forums (prefered) // SM-Mapping site: http://www.hot.ee/smmapping/ //===================================================================================================>>> Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc. ======================================================= Story: Allied intelligence have found out about Axis testing V2 missile in one of their Submarines. While the missile could be launched underwater it would be devastating to New York, London and other Allied Capitals. A group of Allies special forces are sent to sabotage the mission and use the Axis weapon against theirselves. ======================================================= Objectives: Allies: 1] Escort the M8 Greyhound to the road facing their Headquarter 2] Destroy their Anti-Tank Gun 3] Destroy their Tank Barrier 4] Breach the Headquarter Entrace with the M8 Greyhound 5] Send a false command for the Axis U-boat to come to port 6] Steal the V2 Launch Code and secure it into the U-boat Controls 7] Construct a V2 launch hack at the U-boat Controls 8] Launch the V2 missile from the U-boat Controls Axis: 1] Stop them from escorting their Tank 2] Defend the Anti-Tank Gun 3] Build a Tank Barrier to prevent them getting over the Bridge 4] Protect the Headquarter 5] Don't let them use the Radio 6] Protect the V2 plans 7] Deconstruct any hacks at the U-boat 8] Don't let them use the U-boat ======================================================= Disclaimer: We can not be held responsible for anything. ======================================================= Credits: One or more textures on this map have been created with images from Textures.com. These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit www.textures.com for more information. Avoc For a flower texture Rayban For an alpha tree texture ======================================================= Map testing: //////Big thanks to testing ///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback! Members and players from: {WeB} Clan http://webclan.freeforums.org/ UJE Clan http://www.ujeclan.com/ Bunker Community http://bunker.aaxxss.com/ Ets| Community Special thanks to: GANG$TA from {WeB} Clan Dogster from {WeB} Clan Niek from [UJE] Clan o-0._.0-o from |>B<| Community Kate from Ets| Community ======================================================= Installation: Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder. Uninstallation: Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder. ===================================================== Changelog: Second test: -New route to trainstation balcony -Constructible mg at trainstation balcony -Made AT-gun entrance easier -Added a rock to jump to AT gun -More cover at Middle area -Moved CP closer to axis for fairer fight -CP does not give spawn, but turns axis spawntime 15->20 -Added ladder up from river near Hq -Radio timer 5X5 sec segments -U-boat radio 10 seconds -U-boat second access -Redone U-boat from brushes instead of model Third test: -Radio timer 3x10 sec segments -At gun spawn capture point few meters further -Uboat radio 10->15 seconds -Removed "jump rock" from At gun -Removed balcony MG -Removed Command post -Raised the ATgun concrete slightly -A roof allies used to camp ATgun made slippery Fourth test: -Tank damage 400->600 HP -Tank speed 100->80 Units/s -Move U-boat half meter closer to Axis -U-boat timer 15->20 seconds -New sound for U-boat timer Fifth test: -Improved FPS noticeably -Radio 2x15 seconds time -U-boat V2 launch construct/deconstruct -Moved fence near AT Gun for more space -Adjusted things for more cover at AT Gun -Tank capture spawn point few meters earlier -Sub doors bigger (by 4 units) -Added clips for easier travelling -Balcony MG Nest kit appears after 7 mins Sixth test: -Added Back door to last axis spawn for easier defence -Added 4x Health&Ammo Cabinets -Easier to approach AT Gun -Improved details -MG Nest kit appearance 7mins->5mins -Radio counter 2x20seconds -Voice-over Beta 1: -Changes to Port part to make defending Sub easier -Improved FPS at Port area -Tank Health 600->750 -Added location data -Allies win if timelimit ends after V2 launch -Added diversity to Omnibot files
Thanks a lot mate! I will try to fix these issues for the next version!
Thanks again mate! I am not sure of which spot you mean for the wall satchel objective. Actually the underground caves were originally meant to be a route. Then I got carried away with it (Trickjumps..). There is actually a lever to open the hatch doors at the hanging spot. So basicly you can currently get down to the caves from the hanging spot, but cannot get up from there. You must crouch under the hanging spot to open it. But nobody really found it yet. Perhaps I will make it permanently open.
Thank you a lot mate! Well it is not so obvious as it sounds but it is possible to sort of fake the player count some way. But I will probably go with the safest and simplest way that is obvious to players too. Probably will disable the minigames when the first dynomite pack is dropped on the door. I will have to experiment with this a bit first, but I can sure limit the usage of all the minigames. Mind telling me about how many players there were please? How much arty and panzer was there? I think the more players and more heavy weapons, the harder the objective becomes. I have not figured out yet, if and how it should be improved. Might require bigger changes in the map layout or atleast some additional cover from arty. For objectives there is a dynomitable door, then total of 3 stealable objectives, then one constructible and finally 30 second timer switch that can be enabled/disabled. So there is basicly 6 objective stages before the round is finished.
Thanks! Glad you like it! Thanks! Hope you can enjoy it. Thank you very much! I really appreciate that you actually took your time to think about the problems and even told it straigth to me! This is the first public version of the map and it is trying to find the right direction. So it is very important for me to hear your feedback. You are very right with your feedback. The focus seems to be undercover. The starting point for this project was to have a map you would not get so bored in while waiting for other players but in a way it actually could be played too. The main priority is however the objective game in about 2-20 player servers for an average round. I have noticed too that players get distracted even thought the extra stuff should be ignored during normal games. I think I will disable the Mini games and trickjump area etc. under some condition. Perhaps if the server had 8 players or maybe if the first dynomite is planted, then all the extra stuff should be disabled. Now that I have agreed with you on focusing in one element, that is objective game, I would really appreciate if you would tell me what kind of changes are needed for the objective game to be more fitting for you. Assuming that we still target for the 2-20 player range (or max 32 if there are lots of bots). For big servers there are a lot of maps, but for smaller servers there are not much that are action filled.
Thanks guys for the kind words! Thank you mate! I will upload it there. Yes name is Western Beta 1.
Thanks guys! Yes I did. I have also spent ages playing this map and I have always had great blast! Even tho it seems fairly small, it is really fun with many players too.
Hello! Even the best servers have downtime these days. Here is a map that is fun to fool around alone but also has adrenaline filled map objectives for 2-32 players! There are also many scripted mini games, trickjumps and other things to explore and to practise the most important skills while waiting for friends to join! Once they join you will have even more fun fragging or grabbing the objectives. Map: Western - First Public Beta Target player count: 1-32, supports up to 64 Gametypes: Objectives, Last Man Standing, Omnibot, Frag, 1on1, Trickjumps, Fun & games, Practise skills Story: Sheriff has put some Sabio Gang members in Jail after a long night of committing hostile deeds. The Gang in dark coats is up to free their Fellows. If you decide your Fellows deserve their nights in Jail you can find multiple other ways to entertain yourself in the lovely Western town of Pegaso Pass. Objectives: Axis: 1] Destroy the Gunsmith's door 2] Steal two packs of Dynamite 3] Steal a Detonator 4] Prepare the Detonator! 5] Activate and defend the Detonator for 30 seconds! Allies: 1] Don't let them destroy the Gunsmith's door 2] Don't let them steal two packs of Dynamite! 3] Don't let them steal a Detonator! 4] Don't let them prepare the Detonator! 5] Disable the detonator before the 30 second timer runs out! Screenshots: Download Ps. Looking forward to hear feedback and ideas. This map is being developed further. Because this being beta stage, not all decorations are added yet.
- 22 replies
- 13
Great times and great friends! Wonder what they are up to nowadays.
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