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I know some people like a change or a way to improve their overall performance in ET. I've developed a few unique ways of playing ET to the point where you can be way more versatile and improve as a player. This config will be difficult at the start but once you get use to it I guarantee you'll be twice the player you were before. I'll be posting screen shots and more parts of the config once I have time to explain certain sections and how they work for better understanding. I'm gonna post in mutliple Post to slim down everything so it's not just one big mayhem of settings. For the first one I will be posting is my Binds.cfg file. Open up a Notepad and paste this into it and of course name it binds.cfg. Basically your controls will be the default to move around such as ASDW to move. CTRL is your crouch. SHIFT is your sprint. Z Is your killout. and lastly X is your dreaded prone. Keep in mind 1 = Knife 2 = Grenade while mouse wheel up = Syringe and mouse wheel down = Medic Packs (or accordingly with what class you are such as field ops Wheel up = Canister while wheel down = Ammo Packs) The logic behind this is being fast at switching between your essentials while being able to move freely with your left hand. Mouse TWO changes your smg to handgun or vice versa, handgun to smg. This is great for switching between your main weapons on the fly. I'm assuming you have a gaming mouse and you have side buttons you can bind your ALT attack to such as sniper scope and R-nade loader. Additional notes: 8, 9, 0, -, and = are all keys that are related to your config in general. 8 Executes scripts.cfg 9 Executes binds.cfg 0 Executes autoexec.cfg (which is an automated cfg file that automatically executes all the cfg files. So all you have to do is push 0 in-game and you'll enable the whole config) - Vid_restart (It's required to use vid_restart after executing new scripts and binds to fully use new config properties) = Reconnect to server Change FOV is also a cool script and you may notice you need to fill in the settings to your liking. You must enter your sensitivity you'd like to use for your mouse and the crosshair and color. I have it set to just the DOT in CYAN since it's a easy color to see over many maps. (BELOW IS THE BINDS.CFG) // Movement binds // bind SPACE "+moveup" bind X "+prone" bind q"+leanleft" bind e "+leanright" bind SHIFT "+sprint" bind z "kill ;say_team ^0\De^7A^0th\" bind V "mp_quickmessage" bind T "messagemode" bind Y "messagemode2" bind / "mp_fireteamadmin" bind f "+activate" bind TAB "+scores" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "ready" bind F4 "notready" bind 0 exec autoexec.cfg bind 9 exec binds.cfg bind 8 exec scripts.cfg bind - vid_restart bind = reconnect bind Ctrl +movedown //reload script set reload "+reload;-reload" bind r "vstr reload" //Key Assignments set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3;set nextw-bank32e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank32e vstr w-bank3e" set togreset "set nextw-bank32e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank32e "vstr w-bank3e" bind mouse2 "vstr nextw-bank32e" bind 2 "weaponbank 4; vstr togreset" bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr togreset" bind mwheelup " weaponbank 5; vstr togreset" bind mwheeldown "weaponbank 6; vstr togreset" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr togreset" //Change FOV (Field of View) by pressing C, This is mainly for zooming in to shoot far away enemies. set fov90 "cg_fov 90;sensitivity 2.75;cg_crosshairsize 40;cg_drawcrosshair 5;cg_drawgun 0; echo ^0zoom ^3in;bind c vstr fov100" set fov100 "cg_fov 100;sensitivity 2.75;cg_crosshairsize 45;cg_drawcrosshair 5;cg_drawgun 1; echo ^0zoom ^2out;bind c vstr fov90" bind c "vstr fov90" //Mouse&Crosshair // //----------------// seta in_mouse "1" seta m_filter "1" seta m_yaw "0.022" seta m_pitch "0.01501" seta m_forward "0.25" seta m_side "0.25" seta mv_sensitivity "20" seta sensitivity "2.75" seta cl_mouseAccel "0" seta cl_freelook "1" seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "cyan" seta cg_crosshairColor "cyan" seta cg_cursorHints "1" seta cg_crosshairSize "45" seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0" seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0" seta cg_crosshairY "0" seta cg_crosshairX "0" seta cg_drawCrosshairhealth "0" seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1" seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"
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