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Everything posted by *Pikachu*

  1. maybe u dont like me but i really like u ur a really nice guy
  2. maybe u dont like me but i really like u ur a really nice guy
  3. *Pikachu*


    my parents dont let me make one
  4. *Pikachu*


    Hii i would like to buy vip but i have no creditcard so i am looking for someone who has i will transfer the money to ur bankaccount if you want to buy it for me
  5. Why is my application Deleted from the forum?
  6. Hey all my Et name is Cookiemonstawrr but my real name is andy and i'm 15 years old i play et very much every day on the fa- reqruiting map I like fries and cola and all kinds off meat i'm bored very quickly and i'm very active at et
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