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Video Game Rewind: Indigo Prophecy


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In the beginning of the game, we are introduced to one of the protagonists Lucas Kane as he helplessly commits a murder in a trance like state. The player takes control of Lucas right after the murder when he realizes what he has done. A brief clip of a police officer sitting inside the building is shown. So, what did I do? I hid the body, cleaned myself up, and ran past the police officer near the front door to get out there as soon as possible! It turns out, I did a lot of stupid things. Shortly after escaping, I’m now controlling Carla Valenti and Tyler Milers who are both police officers called because of the murder. I discovered all my failures as Lucas through various observation and interrogations I made as the two officers. I didn’t hide the murder weapon, I didn’t let Lucas pay his bill, and I let him run out the front door instead of using the back exit. While I did a good job as a police officer, I totally made it easier for the other characters to catch Lucas. The prologue does an excellent job at showing what to expect from this game. Dialogue choices aren’t the only factors because what you DO counts as well.
Edited by Jopa
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