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MaTiZeK (2588256d)

Fearless AutoBan

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<h4>PBBans BanID: <a href="http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-2588256d-vb237818.html" target="_blank">237818</a></h4><br /><ul style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;" ><li><b>Date:</b> October 26, 2011 01:11 pm</li><li><b>Game:</b> Call of Duty 4</li><li><b>PB GUID:</b> 37e6b8646c0a647af9948fea2588256d</li><li><b>Alias:</b> MaTiZeK</li><li><b>User IP:</b> 83.218.*.*</li><li><b>Violation:</b> VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 80381</li><li><b>Violation Info:</b> </li><li><b>Caught on Server:</b></li><li><b>Caught by:</b> =F|A=</li></ul><br /><br /><b>This player was caught on a server that streams to PBBans.com. Visit us today and ask how you can help keep your server cheat free.</b> <br /><br />View the full article

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